Blog from December, 2021

Cloud clearing and gradually becoming warmer. This was the last day for the initial setup crew (Bill, John, Liz & Lou), although Gary will remain to work on the software side and assist the ISFS crew. 

Today we started at the profiler site where Liz drew a site plan (see separate entry), John did an inventory of sensors, Lou worked on tidying up the site, Bill installed a WiFi camera to monitor the site and a Purple Air sensor to measure aerosols concentrations.  At the Railway site, we installed the GPS Water Vapor sensor, added the wiper fluid container to the wind lidar, a WiFi camera to monitor the lidar, set up the Data Manager computer in the ISFS base trailer, and met with PI Eric Pardyjak.

Installing the GPS Water Vapor sensor and working on the Wind Lidar

Most of the hardware side of the ISS setup is complete except for the sounding site adjacent to the DC Supersite.  Unfortunately, this site still doesn't have power due to delays with the electrical contractor.  The ISS components there will be the MW41 sounding system, a 3m surface met tower with Lufft WS800 and PTB200, and a CL61 ceilometer.  These items will be installed by Bill, Lou, and Isabel in January.

The ISS1 trailer and sensors at the North Pivot site

A very cold and partly cloudy day with temperatures in the single digits this morning, and only rising to the mid-20s (F) during the afternoon.  As can be seen below there was an inch or more of ice built up on the sensors this morning.

We mainly worked at the profiler site, doing more checks on the profiler, preparing covers for the RASS (to cover them while we are away or when there's a heavy snow storm), working on software issues, and working on power distribution.  The main UPS is reporting battery errors, and we attempted to repair it but it appears to failing and needs replacing. 

John and Liz working on a UPS, and Lou working on covers for the RASS

Frost and rime ice build up on the surface met tower and sensors

Cold, partly cloudy this morning gradually clearing, snow leftover from yesterday's storm (around 3 or 4 inches).

Mainly worked in the pivot field trailer after clearing the snow off the Modular Profiler antenna and out of the RASS dishes around 1630 UT.  The snow on these (1 - 2 inches) was a lot lighter and fluffier than yesterday's wet snow.  We did a series of range calibration tests for the Modular Profiler using the delay line, experimenting with a variety of parameter settings.  The profiler is getting winds up to around 2 - 3 km, however the lowest range gate is around 500 meters.  RASS is seeing up to around 1 km.  Gary was at the site working on getting the surface sensors ingested by the DSM, networking and other software tasks.

Dennis Gunn, the manager of the Heber Valley Special Service District (on whose land we're leasing) visited the site to get a tour and sign UCAR vendor form.

The Modular Profiler on a snowy day

Cold and snowy all day.  Approximately 4 inches accumulation by evening. Some heavy riming this morning.

The weather conditions precluded much outdoor activity so the main focus was tidying up in the trailer, testing the Modular Profiler, checking data, and writing up notes.  As expected there appears to be quite a bit of radio interference.  The signal return from snow is very strong (also as expected) during which time the interference disappears, however it will be interesting to see how the data looks in clear cold conditions.  We turned on RASS and that was working better than expected, despite the volume being low and there being lots of snow.

We wiped snow off the profiler antennas a couple of times, removing an inch or two of wet snow around 1830 UT and 2130 UT.  The SNR seemed to improve a couple of dB each time.  We also cleared out the RASS dishes around 2130.  More snow fell later so there will probably be some further attenuation from that.

We also visited the ISFS trailer and connected up the Wind Lidar to the lidar laptop to check on its performance.  There was moderate snow at the time, and the maximum range was less than 1 km (which was about the limit of visibility at the time).

Clearing snow from the Modular Profiler

Testing and writing up notes in a festive trailer(thanks Liz!)

Cool and partly cloudy this morning, followed by increasing clouds and winds with occasional light rain this afternoon.  A winter storm warning has been issued for tomorrow and Friday with 4 - 10 inches of snow forecast in the valley.

In advance of the weather, today was a busy and productive day in a number of areas:

Internet Access: This morning Bill and Gary visited the local school district's technology managers at Wasatch High School to make arrangements for a high-speed internet link.  A Ubiquiti wireless link will be set up between Midway Elementary school and the Railway service pad site for the ISFS base and the lidar trailers.

Wind Lidar: A crane arrived to lift the windcube lidar onto the top of the lidar container.  The lidar was set up with power and network connections to the adjacent ISFS base trailer, and was switched on late this afternoon as the cold front came in.  A web camera was also set up to observe fog development over the Deer Creek reservoir to the south.

Modular Wind Profiler: connectors were delivered this morning.  Liz and John installed them this afternoon and after some work and diagnosing various minor issues, got the profiler running.  There are still many adjustments to be made but it appears to be working well.

Helium: 17 K/200 size Helium cylinders were delivered this afternoon and taken to the sounding site.

The Windcube scanning lidar being lifted onto a trailer and being prepared for operation

A cool, partly cloudy day (without the snow/rain that was forecast a couple of days ago).

We mainly worked at the profiler site again today.  Gary arrived and spent much of the afternoon on the computer side of things.  The rest of us did more work on the clutter fence, getting it angled correctly and tieing it down.  We tidied up cables, work on the cameras (testing and installing heating tape), set up the UPS and power distribution in the trailer and prepared for the lidar crane lift tomorrow.   We are still waiting on delivery of connectors before we can start up the profiler.  The University of Utah tethersonde trailer arrived at the DC Supersite and we visited that to check out how we might install the sounding system.

Tidying up cables and securing the clutter fence.

Colder and mostly cloudy day.  We mainly worked at the profiler site.

John and Liz carried out testing of the new Modular Profiler distributed power amplifier, so far it seems to be performing well although it hasn't been run into the antennas yet since we are waiting on some connectors to be delivered.  Further sorting of equipment and running of cables in the trailer.  The ceilometer was hooked up and turned on. connected the ceilometer and turned on.  The webcam was tested and adjusted to focus on Daniels Canyon.  The chain-link clutter fence was delivered this morning and we set it up around tthe profiler this afternoon, although there is more work to do to position and secure it correctly. The RASS speakers were also tested. 

John and Liz testing the Modular Profiler power amplifier and Bill working on the ceilometer

Sunny although a little cooler today in advance of a cold front.

More equipment unpacking and sorting. At the profiler site the RASS speaker surrounds were assembled, more cabling of the profiler, set up surface met tower and disdrometer, setting up of rack inside trailer, and installation of the CL51 ceilometer and a webcam.  At the lidar trailer sorting and storing of boxes and containers.

Liz and John cabling the Modular Wind Profiler

Lou, Liz and John working on the surface met tower

Paraglider fly-by

Another sunny day although very chilly in the morning with lots of frost and fog to the south of the valley from the Deer Creek Reservoir.

At the profiler site, the new external power amplifier box was cabled up, cables from the profiler to the trailer were laid out, power was hooked to the trailer, the RASS dishes were assembled and equipment in the trailer was organized.

At the Railway service pad site, there was more unpacking and sorting of equipment in the lidar/storage trailer, the lidar platform was assembled and equipment was transported between sites.

Working on the Modular Profiler power amplifier and the lidar plaform.

ISS setup in the Heber valley has begun with the team of Lou Verstraete, John Sobtzak, Liz Bernhardt, and Bill Brown.   The two trailers (ISS1 and Lidar/Storage trailers) arrived and were positioned in their respective locations. 

ISS1 was placed at the North Pivot site on Heber Valley Special Service District (HVSSD) irrigated fields along S 1200 W St, just south of Heber City.  The trailer was partially unpacked, stairs installed and assembly began on the Modular Wind Profiler antenna.  The antenna frame was assembled, the antenna panels placed on top and electronics troughs mounted. 

The electrical service was initially installed at the wrong location, but fortunately Dan was able to get it moved to the correct location in time for our arrival.  John is adapting the power plug to match the outlet that was installed.

Liz, Lou and John assembling the 449 MHz wind profiler antenna at the ISS1 site.

The lidar trailer was placed at the Railway Service pad site at the corner of Tate Lane and S Central St (route 113 south of Midway) next to the ISFS base trailer.  RASS dishes and other items were unpacked.