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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Thursday, August 31.

    Shane on site.  Mohammad Astaneh from UC Davis arrived last night.

    Clear (cloud-free) conditions continue this morning.

    REAL running very stably however not much aerosol structure in images yet.  Winds forecast to increase today.

    Vital sign (aka "housekeeping") data indicate flashlamp voltage increase at 07:02 UTC from 1.47 to 1.48 BUT very important to note the change DOES NOT take effect until someone stops and restarts the system.   So, even though the record says it changed, the increase in FL Voltage did not actually occur until 17:12 UTC when Shane stopped and restarted without a warm up.  Screenshot of LabVIEW before and after below:

    We are seeing wind speeds increasing and coming from the south.  With lots of coherent structures returning.

    For the record, it is important to note that sometimes our data acquisition system freezes and we miss minutes of data.   We don't know what causes these intermittent interruptions.  It could be the Windows OS even though we have turned off all services.  On the graph below, the line should always hover around 170.   When it drops below 170, it is failing to record data.   Also when it fails, discontinuities may appear in the graphs of other variables which can be alarming.  Always check the SHOTS variable to see what is going on.

    Still very clear but hints of small clouds over the mountains or in the distance (12:43 PM PDT).

    Still not much showing up on satellite images.

    Recent vector fields from Aeolus:

    Looking east at 12:54 PM PDT there appears to be dust or smoke rising.  Satellite images show it to be about 90 km to the east.

    Noticeable dust in the air to the south by 2 PM PDT.  South is right side of top panorama and left side of bottom panorama.

    Screenshots from REAL's LabVIEW data acquisition system at 2:14 PM PDT.

    GOES satellite image from 2:19 PM PDT

    Eastern panorama at 2:23 PM PDT:

    Eastern panorama at 2:47 PM PDT:

    Eastern panorama at 5:31 PM PDT:

    Screenshot from REAL's LabVIEW control program at 5:56 PM PDT: