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  1. RF08

    March 25 2024

    Tech: Richard Freeman

    Pre-Flight Hangar Warmup (Scrubbed March 23 and March 24):

    • Started as hangar files: RF08Hangar23Mar24.ads, RF08Hangar24Mar24.ads
    • Removed CVI inlet cap and SDI plug
    • Opened CN counter valve
    • Re-attached HIMIL line for CCNC
    • Tightened firewire camera server connection
    • Found corrosion in MARLI rack headset batteries. Cleaned contacts and replaced batteries.
    • Flight scrubbed due to inclement weather.

    Pre-Flight Ramp (March 25):

    • Lost Right Research Bus 60 Hz Inverters about 40 minutes into warmup. Ground Power Generator experience a brownout around the same time and the Right Wing, 3 Phase, 30 amp breaker had tripped. Was able to restore power by power cycling the Right Bus. The tripped breaker was left disengaged for flight.


    • Cameras inop this flight.
    • Bad data observed again on Engine 2 Velocimeter.
    • Approximately 30 minutes into flight the sub-floor smoke alarm went off. Followed shortly by a strong smell of smoke. The Right Bus was immediately shutdown followed by the Left bus and Primary Research Power about 90 seconds later. Shutting off power resolved the smoke which cleared up shortly after power was off. Pilots initiated immediate return to Kiruna. 
      • Prior to the smoke event PSFD/PSFRD and related variables where showing clearly bad and noisy data and the Right Bus Status Indicators were all out except for inverters 2 and 4.