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  1. Get the card done...

    1. Unknown User (munnerly)

      The last of the parts are scheduled to show up Tuesday

  2. Unknown User (munnerly)

    June 2021

    Problem with symptoms that the carousel starts and stops (stutters) while traversing to next position.

    problem traced to faulty sensors: Linear positions 2 and 3 and Home.

    Repair implemented on aircraft during project by removing top housing of GNI, removing robot section, installing blank-off plate for flight, replacing sensor and accompanying wiring. Reassemble in reverse order.

    Biggest impediment to repair was the aft portside screw on the robot section. Needed short 5/32" ball driver to 1/4" socket, 1/4" swivel, 1/4" socket extension to avoid removing more of GNI housing. Very difficult to guide ball driver to screw head without damaging sensor wiring.

  3. Unknown User (munnerly)

    June 20, 2021

    Spicule Preflight RF08

    Preflight check of GNI, problem noted.

    Initial symptoms, slide failed to feed on cassette 1, slide 3. Loud buzzing sound noted.

    GNI turned off, slide pickup observed to be partially in cassette but not at a position where it would trip a sensor.

    Nothing out of alignment on carousel (no translation or rotation needed to manually operate GNI). 

    In manual operation, GNI commanded to: Home shuttle, Slide pickup down, Slide actuator home, Slide pickup home. Slide retrieved successfully.

    Proceed with mission, no problems noted during flight.

  4. Unknown User (munnerly)

    June 21, 2021

    Spicule Maintenance Day

    While starting a function check of GNI on a  maintenance day, commanded "1" to Home all drives. The carousel began its stuttering motion just as previously. Wiggled sensor wires to check for flakey connections, not able to induce change. Aborted command, cycled power, did not fix the problem. Went to Manual Mode and turned drives until they were all in Home position. Commanded "7" Expose slide and had no problems. Commanded "202", went through all slides no problems.