Preflight check of instruments and walk around okay
Satcom needed reboot, nidas dropout during A2D check.
0958Z wheels up
1007Z all instruments okay
1644Z radiometers on
1811Z feet wet over Matamoros, MX
1848Z cal maneuver.
1901Z feet dry south of Veracruz, Mexico
1922Z feet wet
2042 cloud
1 Comment
Unknown User (munnerly)
Preflight check of instruments and walk around okay
Satcom needed reboot, nidas dropout during A2D check.
0958Z wheels up
1007Z all instruments okay
1644Z radiometers on
1811Z feet wet over Matamoros, MX
1848Z cal maneuver.
1901Z feet dry south of Veracruz, Mexico
1922Z feet wet
2042 cloud