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  1. 17Sep2019


    Flight Tech:  Ed K


    Dave rinsed off top & bottom radiometers and KT-19

    Reboot DSM 305 - analog chnls reading now

    Cycle power on LWO & RWO probes - diode V's were low

    Service mirror light blinking and re-balance light on - DPR

    1431  Takeoff

    1440  DPR still stuck in re-balance mode

    1444  Cycle power to LWO CDP & 2DC-25, and again - finally came back

    1500  Cycle power DPR - re-balance light off, working now

    1615  Diode V's at 42Kft:  2DC-10; 1.6, 1.4, 1.0V   2DC-25; 2.8, 2.6, 3.5V

    1919  DSM Server & Nimbus stopped as soon as we began our descent from 44Kft and were headed

              for home - sure reminds me of SOCRATES (same thing happened)

    1923  Restart Data Acq (continue RF13) & Nimbus

    1938  LWO stopped - reboot both CDP & 2DC-25

    1958  Land

  2. Did dsm_server and nimbus stop updating on the control page, or did their windows disappear?  And were the dsm times still updating on the control page?
