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  1. TF01 Notes

    Technician: Richard Freeman

    Date: 07/23/2019

    Preflight CDP issue: no communication from DSM LWO to CDP. Probe has power and appears to be functioning properly.

    After takeoff: CDP on LWO has serial communication.

    L5 rack forward laptop: screen is dark and difficult to read. Most likely a contrast issue need to adjust.

    F2DIO1_LDO, F2DIO32_LDO, F2DIO64_LDO are reading as NAN and occaisionally read as  in sub-mv range.

    R1: minimac still needs ads password for login

    Headset R6 cutting in and out on listening. Looks to be a problem with headset jack.

    Lost comms with CDP at 16:23.

    Cycled left wing power at 16:57. Still have no comms to CDP

    17:14 Left camera refocused.

    Had issue with right camera not displaying.

    Lost data on main power DSM from 18:05 to 18:15 with intermittent reconnects. connection stabilized on its own. will continue to monitor for dropouts.

    18:38 - DSM 304 analog card dropping out in aeros intermittently.

    18:44 - LWO stopped. Cycled power to LWO which restored operation.CDP still not active.

    18:54 - CDP recorded data for about 15 minutes before dropping out again.,

    19:54 - Neglected to turn on water system and drain heater in pre-flight. remedied while landed at casper.