1) Update from Will (Brian and Jim)
- status of adiabatic test case implementation
- Seems to run from initial conditions as well as internal (baroclinic wave) test cases (see results)
- Brian has revised build procedure to conform with standard CAM build method. Runs 'out of the box' on Bluefire and Jaguar
- Tests by Brian indicate that that other PE configurations are giving zero differences
- status of p_d_coupling for non-adiabatic runs, interpolation of tendencies (aqua-planet)
- First implementation is there. Ideal physics case is currently crashing.
- Aqua planet is currently crashing in initialization. Now pursuing suggestions made by Jim.
- creation of initial data netcdf files for the cubed-sphere with staggered grid point position
- Edge-tangent unit vectors are needed to read in U/V-wind on D-grid.
- staggered slon & slat positions and US & VS in history and restart file
- We can write U/V-wind D-grid locations, but not yet edge tangent vectors.
- use of pio_cam3_6_18 (Jim, Will)
- There is now a first implementation of PIO restart read/write (debugging needed)
- Will's visit to UM and NCAR, and future plans until the end of the project
2) Use of NCAR wiki
3) Parallel computing aspects, next steps (Art, Pat)
4) Plan for the next few weeks:
- other adiabatic tests
- ideal_phys (Held-Suarez) setting
- non_adiabatic tests: aqua-planet
- plans for CCSM meeting in June
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