Blog from August, 2011

Daily summary, August 3

August 3 17:18 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site
light to moderate northerly flow with clear skies or a few clouds; drier and less warm

Vdsm: 13.4-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure rising from 969 to 974 mb during the night and morning, falling a few mb in the afternoon
T.2m: night: stn 1 slightly warmer than other sites before midnight, closer agreement until sunrise, daytime values are also similar between sites
RH.2m: stn 4 about 5%RH higher than stn 1 other sites a few% RH higher than stn 1 during the night; for morning stn 4 is consistently a few%RH higher than other sites before inversion breakup and also in late afternoon
H2O.2m: night:  stn 4 about 0.7 g/m^3 higher than at other sites much of the night from 22:00-7:00; during and after inversion breakup: stn 4 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 more moist than other sites

Wetness: very little voltage detected but some rise btwn 6:00-7:00

T.10m: ok, similar to pattern at T.2m
RH.10m: most of night and early morning: stn 2 about 10 %RH lower than the other sites, stn 1 about few%RH lower than stns 3-4; all sites have close agreement after inversion breakup
H2O.10m: night: stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites, stn 1 slightly drier than stns 3 & 4; stn 2 delayed agreement with other sites by 9:30
Spd.10m: ok, stn 1 most of the night about 0.7-1.0 m/s higher than other sites except for agreement around 3:00-4:30, stn 4 slightly higher speed than at stns 2-3, day: good agreement 
Dir.10m: ok, mostly NNW to N before 9:00, variable directions around North the rest of the period

T.10m - T.2m: night: all stns have similar thermal gradients, early-late afternoon stn 4 slightly warmer at 2 m vs. 10m than at other sites
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: near zero gradient much of the night at Sites 1 & 3, stn 4 about 1.0 g/m^3 less vapor at 10m vs. 2m, and stn 2 about 2.0 g/m^3 less at 10m. vs. 2m; late morning through early afternoon stn 4 is about 1.0 g/m^3 more vapor at 2 m vs. 10 m than for other sites

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m
w.4.5m: ok, slightly more w>0 at stn 3 vs. near zero for stns 1-2, w<0 for stn 4 (afternoon signal, not as clear during the night)
tc.4.5m: ok, see comments for T.2m
ldiag: several night periods with missing samples (up to 300 samples per avg. period at stn 4), also spikes at stn2 from 19:00-20:00
kh2oV: ok, stns 2 & 4 btwn 300-500 mV 
kh2o: night: stn 4 about 0.5 g/m^3 more moist than stn 2, both sites are about 1.0 g/m^3 drier than stns 1 &3 except for period from 4:00-6:00; daytime stns 2 & 4 are still about 2 g/m^3 less than stns 1 & 3 
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 from 20:00-9:00; after inversion breakup sites 1 & 3 are within +/- 0.5 g/m^3 of each other
lidiag (licor): a few spikes in data especially in stn3 around sunrise

TKE.4.5m: ok, most of night stn 1 about 0.15-0.2 m^2/s^2 higher TKE than other sites except from 4:00-6:00
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, stn 1 higher u* by ~0.07 m/s as similar to TKE.4.5m before midnight; also seen in v'w' but not u'w', sites mostly in agreement after 2:00

w'tc': ok, night: stn 1 about 0.01 to 0.02 m/s C larger negative flux than other sites; afternoon stns 1-2 peak flux similar or slightly higher than at stn 3, stn 4 a bit lower than stn 3
tc'tc': ok 
w'h2o': ok, before midnight: slightly higher positive flux at stn 1 vs. other sites, otherwise close agreement; daytime, peak flux at stn 3 a bit higher (0.01-0.02 g/m^2/s) than at Sites 1-2,4
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, , few spikes at stns 1 & 3 during night, close agreement btwn Sites for night and day
kh2o'kh2o': stn 4 about 0.0025 (g/m^3)^2 more variance than other sites from 0:00-4:00; stns 2 & 4 are 0.4 (g^m^3)^2 lower than other stations in late morning to afternoon
w'co2': ok, night: more positive flux at stn 1 vs. stn 3, day: close agreement; most of morning stn 1 slightly higher co2 uptake than stn 3
co2'co2': ok, several spikes in overnight, stn 1 sightly higher than at stn 3 from 21:00-1:00, sites mostly in agreement during the daytime

ncar 1-4 visit, Aug. 2

Jimmy and Dan serviced ncar2 and ncar4 for krypton cleaning.  Dan also checked the bug screens for the 2m TRH inlets at stns 1 & 3

Here is a time line of the station visits

ncar 2 

10:05 begin mast take down

10:25 clean sensor

10:40 complete raising the mast

** Jimmy cleaned a few small gnats off of the bug screen for the 2mTRH inlet

**very dry soil along path to north windcube, 1.5" cracks in the soil, 6" deep, several winged grasshoppers along the path to ncar2

(soil not as dry for south wind cube, no grasshoppers sited)

ncar 4

11:10 being lowering mast

11:25 clean sensor

11:40 mast raising is finished

**No bugs on the screen for the 2mTRH

**only a few hoppers along the path to ncar4

ncar 3

12:00-12:10 visited the site and cleaned two moths out from the inside of the screen.

2mTRH fan was still operational, so no repair was needed

 Tom confirmed that the temp data was in better agreement after the pre-sunrise hours of Aug. 2

**soil also starting to develop cracks but not as severe as in the pathway to ncar2.

ncar 1


quick check of the inlet screen and no bugs were present on or inside the screen

**very few grasshoppers seen on the path to the site

Daily summary, August 2

August 2 15:14 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, Jimmy and Dan visited the sites to clean krypton sensors at stn 2 & 4 and check bug screens on the 2m TRH inlets at all the sites
**Stn 3 T.2m appears to be back in agreement with other sites as of 0:00 overnight (two moths were in the screen underneath the inlet tube and were removed around 12:05)
Cold Front passage at 11:00, strong southerly flow and likely nighttime jet replaced by more gusty westerly and north-westerly wind
(Turbines at 9:00 were completing one revolution every 3 sec, before inversion breakup completed, one revolution took about every 6 sec around 10:30)

Vdsm: 13.4-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure falling from 973-967 mb during the night and up to 11:00, steady after that
T.2m: night: stn 1 about 1.0 degrees cooler than stn 3 1-2 hrs before midnight, other sites in between 1 & 3; stn 4 about 0.5 degree C cooler than other sites from 1:00 to 8:00; good agreement after inversion breakup completed
RH.2m: stn 4 about 3-7% RH higher than other sites much of the night and morning; stn 3 about 5%RH lower than stns 1-2 from 21:00-0:00; late morning stn 4 about few%RH higher than other sites
H2O.2m: night:  stn 4 about 1.0 g/m^3 higher than at other sites much of the night from 22:00-7:00; during and after inversion breakup: stn 4 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 more moist than other sites

Wetness: dew event from 21:30 to 1:00, sensor mostly dry by 3:00 but completely dry by 13:00 (small lingering moisture effects?)

T.10m: night: stns mostly in agreement during the night, from 22:30-23:30 site 3 about 0.7 degrees C warmer than stn 1, other sites in between; good agreement between sites during daytime hours
RH.10m: most of night and early morning: stn 2 about 10 %RH lower than the other sites (is this a unphysical signal?), yet all sites have close agreement after inversion breakup
H2O.10m: night: stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites, stn 1 slightly drier than stns 3 & 4; stn 2 delayed agreement with other sites 9:00, stns 1,3-4 agree by 7:30
Spd.10m: ok, stn 1 most of the night about 0.5-1.0 m/s lower than other sites except for agreement around 1:00-2:00, stn 3 also slightly lower than stns 2 & 4 during much of the night; good daytime agreement (also see when towers at Sites 2 & 4 were lowered)
Dir.10m: ok, mostly SSE before 1:00 and near S from then until 1 hr after sunrise, then SW by 10:30, WSW by 11:00 (inversion breakup completed) and W to WNW by mid afternoon, trending to NW by early evening

T.10m - T.2m: night: stn 4 sometimes slightly warmer at 10 m vs. 2 m;  early afternoon stn 4 slightly warmer at 2 m vs. 10m than at other sites
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: near zero gradient much of the night at Sites 1 & 3, stn 4 about 1.0 g/m^3 less vapor at 10m vs. 2m, and stn 2 about 1.50-2.0 g/m^3 less at stn 2 vs. stn 4; late morning through early afternoon stn 4 is about 2.0 g/m^3 more vapor at 2 m vs. 10 m than for other sites

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m, wind around 2-3 m/s (except at stn 1) most of the night; good daytime agreement
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m, more SE to SSE wind during the night than at 10m, SSW by 11:00 and WSW by 12:00, W by 13:30, also will be trending NW or WNW by early evening
w.4.5m: ok, no clear pattern stands out among sites, but variations between sites do occur and change in time
tc.4.5m: ok, night: from 22:30-23:30 stns 1-2 are about 1.0 degrees C cooler than stn 3 and about 0.7 degrees C cooler than stn 4, rest of night most stns are less than +/- 0.5 degrees C; late morning and afternoon stns 1-2 slightly lower temperature than at Sites 3-4
ldiag: ok, 300 samples missing at Site 4 during the night, less than 100 samples missing with sites 1 & 3
kh2oV: stns 2 & 4 50-70mV during the night, around 100-150mV before lenses were cleaned, peak voltage of ~250mV, back down to 150-175 mV by late afternoon
kh2o: stn 4 about 1.5 g/m^3 more moist than stn 2 and about 3.5-4.0 g/m^3 wetter than stn 1 &3 during night; closer agreement between Sites 2 & 4 after lens cleaning but readings are still 2 g/m^3 drier than at stns 1 & 3 
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 from 22:00-9:00; after inversion breakup sites 1 & 3 are within +/- 0.5 g/m^3 of each other
lidiag (licor): ok, no spikes in data

TKE.4.5m: ok, most of night stn 1 about 0.1-0.15 m^2/s^2 less TKE than other sites except from 1:00-2:30, stn 2 & 4 slightly more TKE than stn 3 most of the night
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, stn 1 reduced u* by ~0.1 m/s as similar to TKE.4.5m, slightly less also at stn 3 from 2:30-4:00,  also seen in v'w', but not in u'w'

w'tc': ok, night: stn 4 about 0.02 to 0.05 m/s C larger negative flux than stn 1, other sites in between 1 & 4;  mid morning stns 1-2 slightly less positive flux than stns 3 & 4; afternoon stn 3 peak flux a bit higher (0.02 m/s C) than other sites
tc'tc': ok, night: higher variance at stns 3-4 vs. stns 1-2 from 21:00-0:00 after that about same variance scatter at all sites; mid morning stn 3 about 0.02 C^2 more than at stns 1 -2, stn 4 in between, close agreement after 11:30 with the frontal passage 
w'h2o': ok, overnight: stn 3 about 0.004 g/m^2/s higher positive flux before midnight than at other sites, after 1:00 stns 1 & 3 are about 0.002 g/m^2/s greater than stns 2 & 4 has similar positive flux to stn 3 & 4 during 23:00-1:00 about 0.005 g/m^2/s higher than at site 1, daytime: stns 1 &3 about 0.04-0.06 g/m^2/s larger positive flux than other sites
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, , few spikes at 1 during night, before midnights stn3 slightly higher variance than stn 1 after 2:00, pattern reverses; stn 1 & 3 in close agreement during daytime
kh2o'kh2o': stn 4 about 0.3 (g/m^3)^2 more variance than other sensors firs half of the night then down to 0.005 unit variability; spikes during tower maintenance; also spikes but closer to sunrise event when reading is stable at Sites 1 & 3, also these sites are 0.4-0.6 (g^m^3)^2 lower than other stations in late morning to afternoon
w'co2': ok, night: slightly more positive flux at stn 1 vs. stn 3, day: close agreement; maybe some greater variability at stn 3 vs. stn 1
co2'co2': ok, several spikes in overnight, stn 1 sightly higher than at stn 3 from 20:30-1:00, and from 3:00-6:00, similar agreement in morning, slightly higher variance at stn 3 after frontal passage

Daily summary, August 1

August 1 22:00 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
overnight fog and dew; daytime partly cloudy hot and humid with light to moderate winds in the afternoon,
Few sensors with anomalous readings during very wet periods at night and early morning
**2m TRH fan likely malfunctioned at ncar3, temp reading about 2-3 degrees warmer than other sites...should be replaced by Tuesday mid-late morning
** Krypton voltage seems a bit low, also schedule lowering of masts to clean the sensors at ncar2 and ncar4

Vdsm: 13.5-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure steady much of overnight, falling 4 mb through the afternoon
T.2m: night: stn 1 & 4 about 1.0 degree C cooler than 2 & 3 from 23:00-3:00, from 3:00 to 6:00 Sites 1 & 2 about 1.0 degrees cooler than 3 & 4; fan at stn 3 likely malfunctioned around 8:00 (~2-3 degrees C higher than other sites)  
RH.2m: stn 4 longer period of saturation, stn 2 reaches 100% RH 4 hrs later and Sites 1 & 3 6 hrs later than stn 2, daytime: stn 1 &2 in close agreement about 5%RH lower than stn 4 and 10%RH higher than stn 3 (due to broken fan?)
H2O.2m: night:  stn 1 about 1-1.5 g/m^3 less than stn 2 &3, stn 4 sometimes 0.5 g/m^3 greater than sites 2 & 3; day stn 4 about 1.5-2.0 g/m^3 more moist than other sites, stn 1 & 2 slightly drier than stn 3

Wetness: heavy dew event from 20:00 to 7:00, sensor dry by 9:45

T.10m: night: similar pattern to T.2m, good agreement between sites during daytime hours
RH.10m: most of night and early morning: stn 2 about 10 %RH lower than the other sites (is this a unphysical signal?), yet all sites have close agreement after inversion breakup
H2O.10m: night: stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites, stn 1 slightly drier than stns 3 & 4; day during fog break up stn 2 about 0.7-1.0 g/m^3 drier than other sites, stn 2 delayed agreement with other sites 11:30, stns 1,3-4 agree by 9:00
Spd.10m: ok, most sites within +/- 0.5 m/s of each other during the night and daytime
Dir.10m: ok, mostly SE to S wind at night, S wind around sunrise backing to SE by 9:00, back to S/SSE rest of the afternoon and early evening

T.10m - T.2m: night: stn 4 sometimes 0.7 degrees C warmer at 10 m vs. 2 m, other times stns 1 & 2 slightly warm at 10m vs. 2m few hrs. before sunrise; good daytime agreement except for the lack of aspiration at 2m TRH at Site 3
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: from 21:00-6:30 stn 2 about 1.0 g/m^3 more vapor at 2m than 10 m, stn 4 near zero gradient in vapor, stn 1 & 3 slightly wetter at 10 m vs. 2m; good daytime agreement except for at Site 3

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m, wind around 1-1.6 m/s most of the night, about 2.5-3.0 m/s during the day
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m, more E to SE wind during the night than at 10m, SSE to SE during the day
w.4.5m: ok, stns 1 & 3 more positive velocity at night vs. stn 4 slightly negative, stn 2 mostly near zero
tc.4.5m: ok, night: several periods when stn 1 is 1.0 degrees C cooler than other sites, stn 2 also following stn 1 pattern from 3:00-5:30, late afternoon slightly lower temperature at stns 1 & 2 vs. 3 & 4
ldiag: ok, few 100 samples missing at Site 3 during the night
kh2oV: stns 2 & 4 above 100mV before fog/dew dropping to 55-60mV, recovering to above 70-80mV after the inversion breakup
kh2o: stn 4 about 1.5 g/m^3 more moist than stn 2 and about 4 g/m^3 wetter than stn 1 & 3 during night; closer agreement at stn 2 in the daytime after the inversion breakup, stn 4 about 2.0 g/m^3 more vapor than stns 1 & 3
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 1.0 g/m^3 drier than stn 3; during and after inversion breakup sites 1 & 3 are within +/- 0.5 units of each other
lidiag (licor): ok, few spikes corresponding to effect with dew/fog; no fictitious response in the afternoon

TKE.4.5m: ok, most of night stn 1 about 0.1-0.15 m^2/s^2 less TKE than other sites, sometimes 0.2-0.25 units less than at stn 4; good daytime agreement
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, stn 1 less reduced u* by 0.1-0.15 m/s as similar to TKE.4.5m, also seen in u'w' and in v'w'

w'tc': ok, night: stn 4 about 0.02 m/s C larger negative flux than stn 1, other site in between 1 & 4;  afternoon stn 3 peak flux a bit higher (0.02 m/s C) than other sites
tc'tc': ok, night: higher variance at stns 3 & 4 vs. stn 1 and sometimes 2 except after 4:00, then sites have about same intensity; daytime: stns 4 & 3 a bit higher peak variance than other sites
w'h2o': ok, overnight: stn 3 has similar positive flux to stn 3 & 4 during 23:00-1:00 about 0.005 g/m^2/s higher than at site 1, rest of night close agreement with 1 & 3, 2 & 4 about 0.01-0.03 units more negative flux than others; afternoon less positive flux (by ~0.07-0.08 g/m^2/s) at stns 2 & 4 vs. stns 1 & 3
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, , few spikes at both 1 & 3 during night; stn 1 & 3 in close agreement during daytime
kh2o'kh2o': stn 2 & 4 also spikes but closer to sunrise event when reading is stable at Sites 1 & 3, also these sites are 0.7-1.0 (g^m^3)^2 lower than other stations in late morning to afternoon
w'co2': ok, night: slightly more positive flux at stn 1 vs. stn 3, day: no real difference between sites
co2'co2': ok, several spikes in overnight, stn 1 sightly higher than at stn 3 from 23:00-2:30, and from 3:00-6:00

Daily summary, July 31

July 31, [Aug 1 9:46 CDT]

Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
overnight dew and light fog; daytime partly cloudy warm and humid with light to moderate winds,
Few sensors with anomalous readings during very wet periods at night and early morning

Vdsm: 13.5-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure rising 3mb during the night, falling around 3mb during the afternoon

T.2m: night: several periods from 21:00-3:00 where stn 4 about 0.7 to 1.0 degree C cooler than other sites; day stn 3 a bit warmer than other sites during the mid-late afternoon     
RH.2m: stn 2 & 4 few% RH higher than other sites during the night, all sites reach saturation by 6:00; late morning to afternoon 5-7%RH higher at stn 4 than other sites
H2O.2m: night:  stns within +/- 0.5 g/kg of each other , daytime stn 4 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 greater vapor than the other sites

Wetness: heavy dew event from 20:00 to 7:30, sensor dry by 9:30

T.10m: night: mostly in agreement, few periods where stn 2 is 0.7-1.0  degrees C cooler than other sites from 1:00-2:00 ; good daytime consistency
RH.10m: most of night and early morning: stn 2 about 10 %RH lower than the other sites, close agreement after inversion breakup
H2O.10m: night: stn 2 about 1.0 g/m^3 drier than other sites; daytime during fog break up stn 2 about 0.7-1.0 g/m^3 drier than other sites, stn 2 delayed agreement with other sites 10:00, stns 1,3-4 agree by 9:00

Spd.10m: ok, few periods with stn 2 about 0.7-1.0 m/s lower than other sites from 21:00 to 2:00, stn 4 about 1.0 m/s lower than other sites for much of morning-early evening

Dir.10m: ok, mostly SE to S wind at night, WSW wind around sunrise backing to S by 13:00, slight SSE by end of period

T.10m - T.2m: night: stn 2 sometimes 0.7 degrees less warm at 10 m vs. 2 m than for other sites, day: stn 3 about 0.5 degrees warmer at 2m vs. 10 m during the day
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: from 23:00-9:00 stn 2 about 1.0 g/m^3 more vapor at 2m than 10 m, other stns near zero gradient in first few hours up to 2:00, then 2.0 g/m^3 wetter at 10 m vs. 2 m, then dropping to negative gradient after 7:30; much of afternoon stn 4 is 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 less vapor at 10 m than 2m vs. other sites

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m, but less magnitude of difference among sites
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m, more E to SE wind during the night than at 10m
w.4.5m: ok, stns 1, 2 & 3 more positive velocity at night vs. stn 4 slightly negative, stn 1 has slight switch from positive to negative around 2:00-3:00 and back to w>0 after that
tc.4.5m: ok, night: several short periods where one stn is about 1.0 degrees C warmer than other sites,late afternoon slightly lower temperature at stns 1 & 2 vs. 3 & 4
ldiag: ok
kh2oV: stns 2 & 4 above 100mV before fog/dew dropping to 60-90mV, recovering to above 100-120mV after the inversion breakup
kh2o: stn 2 & 4 about 2.0-2.5 g/m^3 more moist than stns 1 & 3 during night; closer agreement at stn 2 in the daytime after the inversion breakup, stn 4 about 2.5 g/m^3 more vapor than stns 1 &3
h2o(licor): ok, good nighttime agreement, few spikes caused by dew/fog, afternoon: stn 1 & stn 3 in good agreement
lidiag (licor): ok, few spikes corresponding to effect with dew/fog; no fictitious response in the afternoon

TKE.4.5m: ok, mostly in agreement from 23:30-0:30 stn 2 is about 0.05 m^2/s^2 more than other sites; similar values at all sites during and after the inversion breakup
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, not as similar to TKE4.5m, nor in u'w', but some pattern seen in v'w' close to TKE 4.5m

w'tc': ok, heat flux differences are not easily seen during the nighttime;  afternoon stn 3 peak flux a bit higher (0.02-0.03 m/s C) than other sites
tc'tc': ok, night: no clear pattern to link the TKE.4.5m; few spikes at stns 2 & 4 at 21:00 and at 3:30 and 4:15; good agreement among sites in daytime, slightly lower variance at stn 2 from 15:00-17:00

w'h2o': ok, overnight: mostly near zero except for a few hours before sunrise with stn 2 & 4 with largest negative flux; afternoon less flux (by ~0.06 g/m^2/s) at stns 2 & 4 vs. stns 1 & 3
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, , few spikes at both 1 & 3 during night; stn 1 & 3 in close agreement during daytime
h2o'kh2o': stn 2 & 4 also spikes but closer to sunrise event when reading is stable at Sites 1 & 3, also these sites are 0.7-1.0 (g^m^3)^2 lower than other stations in late morning/early afternoon
w'co2': ok, no real difference between sites
co2'co2': ok, several spikes in overnight, stns 1 & 3 mostly the same but a few periods where stn 1 slightly more than at stn 3; good daytime agreement