See below for instructions on creating and browsing log entries.

See DSM Hints for information about the DSMs.

See the page NAGIOS Services for ISS for notes about the NAGIOS checks and web status pages.

Recent Log Entries

Blog Posts

Table of Sites (click to visit page and edit the table)

Lat Lon Alt
ISS number
ISS site name
Wiki label
South Valley39.6961N, 7.7191W, 360m perdigao/sodar


Upper Orange Grove39.7137N, 7.7367W, 310mISS2


site-iss2GAUS Sounding System, Lufft WS, PTB220/330
West Profiler39.7016N, 7.7639W, 222mISS3perdigao/iss3site-iss31290 Wind Profiler, WXT Surface Station, Web camera
Ops Center39.7019N, 7.7011W, 287m   NCAS Wind Profiler

Log Entries by Site

Error rendering macro 'blog-posts'

'site-iss2' is not an existing label

Field Logbook Instructions

To enter a blog entry:

  1. Login via the link at top right
  2. Click the blue Create button along the top, and in the popup window click Blog Post.
  3. Enter a title and contents.
  4. To aid in searching, use one or more one-word labels which relate to the entry. These are similar to the tklog categories, except there can be more than one. Examples: profiler, surface, sounding, network, iop, power, status, generator, sitevisit, setup, teardown, dataproblem. Everyone can add any label they want, and wiki administrators can add standard labels under Browse -> Space Admin. If labels are used consistently, they can be helpful when searching and organizing log entries.
  5. Save
  6. It can take a few minutes before the new entry is found via the search tools, or listed in index tables.

For more general information such as operations procedures, instrument references, or site descriptions, create a new page. It will be accessible through the page browser or the navigation tree below, or add a link to it on this main page.

It is also possible to attach documents to this page or any pages.

Email Notifications

To configure whether to receive email notifications of updates to this space, do the following:

  1. Login
  2. While viewing this page, click Watch in the top right menu bar.
  3. In order to be notified of all changes, including blog posts, select Watch all content in this space, or un-select it if you no longer want to be notified.  When watching the whole space, you will receive email notifications about both pages and blogs.
  4. If you only want notifications for the blog, then click the Blog link in the left sidebar, then click the Watch this blog in the upper right of the page.  The Watch this blog link will not appear if the whole space is already being watched.

The email notifications can be further configured in your profile.  For example, you can choose to include the page or blog changes directly in the email so you don't have to browse to the wiki:

  1. Click on your name or picture in the very upper right corner.
  2. Choose, Profile, Settings, Email, Edit
  3. Click Show changed content checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.

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