sstat will also show rsync_loop and statsproc@trh_test services on porter2. Those are running in support of the CentNet project.
Restart real-time
service (restart_service, restart_statsproc)
If you make a change to the XML or a calibration file, you will usually want to restart the real-time statsproc processes. Only if an XML change effects the archive of the raw data do you need to restart dsm_server on flux.
On porter2 the processes are running under the maclean login, and only that user has permission to restart the services. As a work-around, restart_statsproc writes a string to the file $ISFF/projects/$PROJECT/ISFF/logs/statsprocrestart_cmdproc.txt. The proc_restarter service wakes up every 10 seconds, checks that file, and if it contains the string "statsproc", does a systemctl --user restart on the four statsproc services.
Or you can use the command restart_service to restart any service running for CABL. You will be prompted to choose a service, by number, and that service will be restarted in a similar way to restart_statsproc.
Reprocess statistics
To recalculate the statistics for the whole project, run this command on an EOL server (porter2, barolo, tikal), after setting your project to CABL: