Clear, cool, breezy. Winds out of northNW, but not NE, unfortuately. Don't see NE winds in the next 10 day forecast.
- Removied ".mN" from wisard variables, so they now just have a site suffix, except when multiple motes were at s15.
- Added "ldiag" for tower RMY sonics
- Moved pressure plot (with Pirga) to tide, rain plot.
- Added some plot titles
- Make separate Tsoil profiles at the 3 stations.
Yesterday: Per SteveO's suggestion, emptied (about 2") water from the battery box at tower. Voltage was healthy: 13V.
To do:
- Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait.
- Shoot sonics on tower.