RMY: (from me: +v is "from north", oriented perpendicular out from the connection box. Assuming we mounted the box away from the tower, this is the boom direction away from the tower:)
vaz = 142 (didn't work, try: 142 + 90) (and this didn't seem to change anything – needs more work)it seems that 142+180 works better – perhaps we put the connection box towards the tower?)
METEK: (from me: manual seems to show +v is perpendicular to N arrow – essentially East)
vaz = 142 + 90 = 232 (seems to be flipped – opposite sign convention? Can we use Gill R2 code?)sign convention appears to be left-handed. we'll change this in NIDAS. Also, this makes vaz = 232-180 = 52)
All this now implemented in cal_files and config.
I'll try coding all this into cal_files...