Rebecca Buchholz
Saved on Jul 17, 2023
&cam_history_nl fincl2 = 'PS','OH','H2O','H2O2','HO2','O3','NO3','NO','NO2','CO','ISOP','PHIS','CH2O','T','PAN','PM25','PDELDRY','AODDUST','AODVISdn','Z3'
Adding the following species to user_nl_cam will write out files with a h1 suffix.
The temporal resolution of the output files is also specified via the user_nl_cam:
avgflag_pertape = 'A','A' mfilt = 1,4 nhtfrq = 0,-6 /
A list of possible history file variables can be found here:CAM-chem History Fields
You can find the possible history fields for your own model build by looking in a log file for your setup simulation and searching for "MASTER FIELD LIST".