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Service Categories

Service Category
Answers the Question
Accounts, Identities, Access, and Permissions
How does person A get access to thing B?
Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Reporting
What does the data say and/or show?
Consulting and Advice for Custom IT Solutions
What are some approaches to my unique problem?
Cybersecurity, Information Security
What do I need to know about cybersecurity?
Data Centers, Facilities, and Hardware Hosting
Where can I keep computer hardware?
Documentation and Training
Where can I learn more about IT-related topics?
Email, Calendar, Collaboration
What do we use for email, calendar, chat, and file sharing?
Enterprise Software, Applications, and Licenses
What software is available to everyone?
Governance, Strategy, and Architecture
How are decisions made across IT?
Infrastructure, Platforms, and Cloud Services
What back-end IT services are being provided?
IT Purchases, Procurements, and Hiring
How do I buy IT-related things and hire IT-related staff?
Lab, Center, and Program-Specific Services
Who supports my highly specific custom need?
Networking, Voice, and Connectivity
How do I get network connections, wifi, and phones?
Project and Portfolio Management
How can I get project management support?
Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure
How can I get support for research-specific technologies?
Research Data Services
How can I get support for my research data needs?
Researcher Profiles
How can I get support for my personal researcher profile?
Room, Meeting, and Event Technologies
How do our multimedia services work?
Storage Services
Where can I store data?
Support for Laptop, Desktop, and Tablet Users
How do I get help for everything computer-related?
Web Platform and Website Services
What back-end and user-facing web services exist?

Services (Alphabetical)



Service Catalog for Information Technology, Research Computing, Research Data, and Cyberinfrastructure

Service Category


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