Then edit the RefGrid file to have straight edges for each refine level. This file has 0 for no refinement and 1, 2, 3, etc. for each refine level.
Use Create_VRMgrid to create EXODUS file from Refinement Grid
The command line ‘Create_VRMgrid’ will create an EXODUS file from the updated Refinement Grid file.
> /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src/Create_VRMgrid
--refine_type “LOWCONN” {or "CUBIT"}
--grid_type "CubeSquared"
--resolution 30
--refine_level {refinement [1,2,3 …]}
--smooth_type "SPRING" --smooth_dist 3 --smooth_iter 3
--x_rotate {xrot_value} --y_rotate {yrot_value} --lon_shift {lonshift_value}
--refine_file REFMAP_{yourLabel}_{resolution}.nc
--refine_cube RefGrid_{yourLabel}_{resolution}.dat
--output {yourLabel}_{resolution}_EXODUS.nc
(be sure this is all on one line)
Create grid files
Generate CESM input files on new grid