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Feature UpdateComponentRelevant modelContibutor(s)Notes
New dust schemeland and atmosphere: interactive emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICADanny LeungAn updated interactive dust scheme to emit dust into the atmopshereatmosphere. Will be default in CESM3. (CAM Issue #651)
MAM5 aerosolsaerosol mechanismCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICASimone Tilmes, Louisa Emmons, Francis Vitt, Mike MillsMAM5 (MAM4 + 1 mode for stratospheric sulfate) for all CESM configuration (CAM Issue #663, #664)
MEGAN-CLM5land and atmosphere: interactive emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Alex Guenther (UCI)

Implement updated interactive biogenic emissions with Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) (CTSM Issue #1323)

Already an update related to drought.

CLM development is slightly different to from offline MEGAN3.

HEMCO integrationemissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICAHaipeng LinOnline reading and re-gridding of emissions. Includes diurnal cycle options. (CAM Issue #560). Regrids to an intermediate grid. Needs testing with MPAS.


Feature UpdateComponentRelevant modelContibutor(s)Notes
CMIP7 ForcingEmissions and external forcing (e.g. solar, volcano, fire)CESM/CAM-ChemBenjamin Gaubert, Simone Tilmes, Louisa Emmons, Rebecca Buchholz

Ozone and nitrogen depositionChemistry fields for other models withoutWACCM output for other modelsDoug Kinnison

Simulations performed with 2 degrees WACCM. Output from CMIP7 runs for non interactive chemistry runs. Updated EPP forcing. Possible connection with mid-top.

Saving O3, N dep, OH?

MAM5 code for Mid Top CMIP7 simulationsReading 5th mode forcing in simple chemistryCAMSimone Tilmes, Francis Vittadd pull request link?
TUVxPhotolysisCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICADoug KinnisonNew photolysis scheme. (
Soil NOxonline calculation of soil NO emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICAMaria Val MartinUpdated Soil NOx emissions (CTSM Issue #1952)
Short Lived Halogens (SLH)chemistry mechanismCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Rafael Fenandez, Carlos Cuevas

 Sea Salt and Dust Surface area density (SAD) improvements
Heterogeneous uptake on sea salt and dustmulti-phase chemistryCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Rafael Fenandez, Carlos Cuevas, Danny Leung

Heterogeneous reaction of N2O5 with on sea salt and saline dust. Need ClNO2 (inc. in SLH mechnismmechanism).
Marine Organic Aerosol Emissions emissionsCESM/CAM

Simone Tilmes

Add emissions of marine aerosols (CAM Issue #531). Two more aerosol species added to the model. Impacts cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).


Feature Update


Relevant model

Saving 2m (height) ozonediagnosticCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICASome land component output is necessary for interpolating the surface layer to 2m. 
Saving MDA8 ozonediagnosticCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICAImportant for comparing with air quality attainment standards.
Lightning NOxatmosphere interactive emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICAScale aware production of lightning NOx.
Upper boundary conditionsExternal forcingCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCMOptional Upper boundary conditions for the low top L58 model created from a WACCM simulation (CAM Issue #533). NOy.
Marine Organic Aerosol Emissions emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Add emissions of marine aerosols (CAM Issue #531).

Nitrate aerosolsaerosol mechanismCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Implementation of MOSIAC and CARMA with nitrate aerosols. Danny Leung, Yunqian Zhu (NOAA).

T3Schemistry mechanismCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA

Urban chemistry relevant mechnismmechanism. Publication in prep. Duseong Jo

CARMA implementationcomplex aerosolsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA



Feature UpdateComponentRelevant modelContibutor(s)NotesDate Finalized
T4S Chemistry Mechanismchemistry mechanismCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICALouisa EmmonsSimplified tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry to be used for longer scale runs (e.g. CMIP7).
Simple Chemistrychemistry mechanismCAM7Duseong Jo, Louisa Emmons

Simple chemistry (for CAM7)  with updated SOA parameterization to support tropospheric aerosol formation (MAM4) (CAM Issue #727)

OASSISOASISSinteractive emissionsCESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICASiyuan Wang

Online DMS emissions based on Online Air-Sea Interface for Soluble  Species (OASISS)
