Feature Update | Component | Relevant model | Contibutor(s) | Notes |
New dust scheme | land and atmosphere: interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Danny Leung | An updated interactive dust scheme to emit dust into the atmosphere. Will be default in CESM3. (CAM Issue #651) |
MAM5 aerosols | aerosol mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Simone Tilmes, Louisa Emmons, Francis Vitt, Mike Mills | MAM5 (MAM4 + 1 mode for stratospheric sulfate) for all CESM configuration (CAM Issue #663, #664) |
MEGAN-CLM5 | land and atmosphere: interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Alex Guenther (UCI) | Implement updated interactive biogenic emissions with Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) (CTSM Issue #1323) Already an update related to drought. CLM development is slightly different from offline MEGAN3. |
HEMCO integration | emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Haipeng Lin (Harvard, NCAR/CGD) | Online reading and re-gridding of emissions. Includes diurnal cycle options. (CAM Issue #560). Regrids to an intermediate grid. Needs testing with MPAS. |