The bulk of the sensors were added on Monday, Jun 6, and by Tuesday we had all sensors connected, except for the leaf wetness sensor.
Fixed Encountered several issues
- loose RS232 connection on Licor 7500 (serial number ?)
- apparent loose power connection (screw terminal near DSM circuit breaker) on ncar4 causing sporadic reboots
- fix loose RS232 connection on prop vane (serial number ?)
- multiple sporadic reboots on ncar4, which is the last system in the power chain. Still giving problems as of 10 Jun.
Cellular comms are not great. Using a browser to look at the router web page, shows that the cellular signals are good (70 - 80 %), but the throughput is not great - probably because they are interfering with each other. The connection to ncar2 and ncar4 has been the worst. Chris also noticed that their modems seem hotter to the touch.