Swapped in spare mote we had brought (ID=9). Saw rare messages with rserial. Thought it might be in bluetooth console mode (stupid, because the Bluetooth module LED was off) and tried changing using 2 presses of the white switch. Eventually, got Bluetooth console enabled, paired with phone (key=1234), and set to 232 console mode (pp=0; eeupdate), still not much on rserial. Eventually got it through my thick skull that the mote was in ASCII mode and rserial wasn't seeing the correct, Wisard, terminators. Did ddn, minicom to port, set Wisard mode (mp=0; eeupdate), and all was fine. Brought old mote (ID=1) back to base. (Back at the base, changed isfs_env.sh to include 1&9 in the definition of MOTE1 and restarted dsm_server.)
Found out from Gary that S15 still hadn't come up on the network, so....