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For physics-side nudging, available reanalysis data is pre-processed prior to model use. This preparation step interpolates the desired reanalysis data onto a given model grid, adjusts values to account for topographical differences between the reanalysis model and the current topography of CESM, and saves the results in individual files with one time slice per file. The scripts that carry out this processing must be configured for each combination of input reanalysis dataset and output model grid. The scripts are currently available for the FV and SE dycore grids.

The details below are for regridding GEOS and MERRA2 files, particularly on the NCAR HPC. Users wishing to use alternate reanalysis datasets should consult the README.

The processing scripts are slightly different for the two available dycores, so they are contained in separate directories in the IPT repository in each directory, there is a README that provides general guidance for setting the script variables for a desired reanalysis product.


One substantial difference with the FV processing is in the horizontal interpolation. When the scripts for the SE grids were being developed, there were significant errors in the ESMF processing at the poles and for wrap around gridpoints. Complicating the development, was the fact that each update to the ESMF routines within NCL would result in failures in the processing scripts. For this reason, a version of the ESMF processing routines that contain fixes for these errors is included with the reanalysis processing scripts in the Gen_Data directory (ESMF_regridding.ncl). From the user stand point, this means that for each horizontal SE grid, the user must edit makeIC_se_002.ncl and set a hardcoded path to the SCRIP file for that grid. Note that the ESMF processing routines have been substantially improved since this time, but it is not known if the pole problems have been resolved. So a user may wish to revise the scripts to eliminate the ESMF code and use the up to date ESMF routines in NCL instead. The plan moving forward is for this processing step to be carried out at run time directly from the reanalysis archives (making these scripts unnecessary), so for the time being these scripts will continue as is without further development.




The NCL scripts depend on FORTRAN subroutines which must be pre-compiled to create a shared library ( using the WRAPIT command. This command has lead to some problems in the past. As NCL was updated, this command would occasionally fail to work. Since NCL is no longer under development, this should not be a problem, but if users have errors due this command not working correctly, a work around is to reference that command from a previous release of NCL. On casper (July 2024), WRAPIT is available in /glade/u/apps/opt/ncl/6.6.2/bin/WRAPIT after running: 'module load ncl'.

Running multiple streams of processing

The other problem is for users that need to process a large amount of data. The processing scripts can take quite a long time to run, so to speed up the process a RUNNUM variable was added to the script so that multiple copies can be run at the same time. Since the processing is in a common directory, the WRAPIT command from one instance clobbers the shared library used by all. This would result in total failure. Users who need to run in this manner must comment out the WRAPIT command in the script and run it to create the library prior to submitting the processing scripts.


casper%  cp -r Gen_Data_NEWGRID Gen_Data_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4

casper% cd Gen_Data_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4

casper% mv Gen_MERRA2_NEWGRID.csh Gen_MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4.csh


  1. Edit your new script, and set the PBS commands:

#PBS -N Gen_MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4
#PBS -A Pxxxxxxx
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:mem=20GB
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -q casper
#PBS -o Log.Gen_MERRA2_SAM01.err
#PBS -e Log.Gen_MERRA2_SAM01.out

After making the changes below you can submit this job on casper:

casper% qsub Gen_MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4.csh

module load ncl

    2. In the Configuration section, set the reference date corresponding to the first day of data you desire, then number of days of data to process from that date, and the path where you wish to have the data stored:




 # Set a REFERENCE (Starting) Date and the number of days to process


 set RUNNUM=01

 set REF_DATE='20121201'

 set NUM_DAYS=400

 # Set INPUT/OUTPUT/TMP directories


 set NAMELIST='./Config/Config_makeIC-'$RUNNUM'.nl'

 set MYLOGDIR='./LOG/LOG_002.'$RUNNUM'/'

 set MYTMPDIR='./TMP/TMP_002.'$RUNNUM'/'

 set MYOUTDIR='/path/to/my/repo/ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4/nudging/MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4_L32/'

 set INPUTDIR='/glade/collections/rda/data/ds313.3/orig_res/'

 # Set ESMF options


 set ESMF_interp='conserve'

 set ESMF_pole='none'

 set ESMF_clean='False'

 set ESMF_clean='True'

3. For the processing options, set the CASE name. This is the root filename for your nudging data files. Note that some reanalysis datasets store winds in the form of vorticity and divergence values rather then U,V. It is important that the VORT_DIV_TO_UV flag is set to True for these datasets, this is a common source of processing errors. Finally, set the fname_grid_info value to point to a file containing the desired ouput grid, and set fname_phis_output to point to a file containing the model topography.

 # Set Processing options


 set CASE   = 'MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4_L32'

 set DYCORE     = 'se'

 set PRECISION = 'float'

 set VORT_DIV_TO_UV = 'False'

 set SST_MASK           = 'False'

 set ICE_MASK           = 'False'

 set OUTPUT_PHIS      = 'True'

 set REGRID_ALL        = 'False'


 set MASS_FIX           = 'True'

 # Set files containing OUTPUT Grid structure and topography


 set fname_grid_info = '/path/to/my/repo/ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4/inic/'

 set fname_phis_output = '/path/to/my/repo/ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4/topo/'

 set ftype_phis_output = 'SE_TOPOGRAPHY'

4. Update the path to WRAPIT:  /glade/u/apps/opt/ncl/6.6.2/bin/WRAPIT MAKEIC.stub MAKEIC.f90

5. Edit The last modification that is needed for this example is to edit the file makeIC_se_002.ncl. At about line 430, the dstGridName variable has to be set to use the SCRIP file for your new grid:


 ; WORK AROUND: the 'unstructured_to_ESMF' routine is

 ;           not good for non-graphic interpolation.

 ;           It's okay for plotting values, but not

 ;           for the mapping we want to do. For now a

  ;           SCRIP file for ne30 will be sliced in so

 ;           we can get some work done.

 ;           RHS updated this for SE-RR these are SCRIP files


 ; dstGridName=mytmpdir+"/DstGrid"+dstlab+".nc"

 ; dstGridName="/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/mapping/grids/"

 ; dstGridName="/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/mapping/grids/"

 ; dstGridName="/glade/p/acom/acom-nsc/musicav0/misc/ASD2017_files/grids/scrip/"

  dstGridName="/path/to/my/repo/ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4/grids/" ;*******************************************************************

After making the changes above you can submit this job on casper:

casper% qsub Gen_MERRA2_ne0np4.SAM01.ne30x4.csh

With these changes, the script can be submitted to generate the desired 400 days of data. The user must alway check the Log and output file to verify that the dataset was processed correctly. Selecting some files and browsing variables for valid values using ncdump can save a lot of time and effort if there were problems during the processing. 


A script for regridding to FV on casper (functioning as of 7/19/2024) is: /glade/u/home/emmons/my_IPT/Meterological_Reanalysis_Data/Finite_volume_dycore/Gen_Data_f09_83L/Gen_MERRA2_fv09_83L_001.csh