For instructions on connecting to derecho or casper see: https://ncar.github.io/CESM-Tutorial/notebooks/prereqs/prereqs_overview.html
Table of Contents | ||
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grid_name = ne0np4.NAME.ne30xR where NAME is a unique name for your grid, ne30 is for the base resolution, R is for the refinement factor of the highest resolution region. All variable resolution grids with 4 GLL points must begin with ne0np4.
- $REPO = /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/
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In your repository directory, create a 'grids' subdirectory.
On casper start the VRM Editor from your $REPO/grids directory:
> cd $REPO/grids
> /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src/VRM_Editor
If you are working on a different computer, download the VRM_tools software by running:
Get and build VRM Tools: VRM_Editor and Create_VRMgrid
On casper, download the VRM Tools software:
{navigate to your home or work directory}
> git clone https://github.com/ESMCI/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit.git
> cd Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit
> git checkout VRMtools_MCT_v1.0
In the instructions below, $(VRM_tools) = {your_path}/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit/VRM_tools
> cd ${VRM_tools}/VRM_Editor/src
> module load gcc/12.2.0
> module load ncarenv/23.10
> qmake VRM_Editor.pro
> make
Running "make" produces a lot of warning messages; that’s ok. For Linux users, with the Qt and netCDF packages installed, building the editor should be as simple as for Casper.
Build Create_VRMgrid on Casper:
> cd Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src
> module load gnu
> make -f Makefile-Create_VRMgrid
Instructions on using it are provided below.
Start VRM_Editor
In your repository directory, create a 'grids' subdirectory. On casper start the VRM Editor from your $REPO/grids directory:
> cd $REPO/grids
> ${VRM_tools}/VRM_Editor/src/VRM_Editor
Set up base grid
On the ‘VRM’ tab, select:
- Grid Type: CubeSquared
- Base Resolution: 30
- Click Generate VarMesh. See image below for what it should look like.
Adjust Longitude Shift, Rotate-X and Rotate-Y so that your region of interest is centered within a cube face. You can zoom in/out by using the scroll button of your mouse. The right and left arrow keys move the map sideways; up/down to shift the map N/S.
For example, set Longitude Shift to 30 and Rotate-X to 25, then click Generate VarMesh, to produce grid shown below.
When satisfied with the face location, record the Longitude Shift, Rotate-X and Rotate-Y values (you will need them later).
Create draft refinement region
The default resolution of the Editor map is a bit coarse, so read in a higher resolution map. In the "Actions" menu (upper left), select Read Refinement Map.
Open /glade/work/emmons/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit_Nov23/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src/REFMAP_1440x720.nc. For easier access, copy this file to your working directory.
On the ‘Edit’ tab, click ‘Edit refine Map’.
Select ‘Polygon Editor’ - a green box appears over the Pacific. Drag and adjust the 8 points to create a refinement region. Use the scroll button of your mouse to zoom in and out, and the arrow keys to shift the map. Try to have the polygon borders be parallel to the grid lines.
Click ‘Apply’ (with Value =1.00)
To save this, click 'Exit Edit Mode' and 'Yes' to save.
Go to 'Display' tab, check Refinement Map to see the refined region as a red box.
Go back to ‘VRM’ tab. For best results (in many cases), the following settings are recommended:
- Refine Type = LOWCONN
- Select Refine Level (1 = ~0.5 deg, 2=0.25 deg, 3=⅛ deg=14km, …). Resolution in the refined region is the base grid resolution divided by 2^(refinement level)
and follow instructions in the documentation.
Set up the base grid
On the ‘VRM’ tab, select:
- Grid Type: CubeSquared
- Base Resolution: 30
- Click Generate VarMesh. See image below for what it should look like.
Adjust Longitude Shift, Rotate-X and Rotate-Y so that your region of interest is centered within a cube face. You can zoom in/out by using the scroll button of your mouse. The right and left arrow keys move the map sideways; up/down to shift the map N/S.
For example, set Longitude Shift to 30 and Rotate-X to 25, then click Generate VarMesh, to produce grid shown below.
When satisfied with the face location, record the Longitude Shift, Rotate-X and Rotate-Y values (you will need them later).
Create draft refinement region
The default resolution of the Editor map is a bit coarse, so read in a higher resolution map. In the "Actions" menu (upper left), select Read Refinement Map.
Open /glade/work/emmons/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit_Nov23/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src/REFMAP_1440x720.nc. For easier access, copy this file to your working directory.
On the ‘Edit’ tab, click ‘Edit refine Map’.
Select ‘Polygon Editor’ - a green box appears over the Pacific. Drag and adjust the 8 points to create a refinement region. Use the scroll button of your mouse to zoom in and out, and the arrow keys to shift the map. Try to have the polygon borders be parallel to the grid lines.
Click ‘Apply’ (with Value =1.00)
To save this, click 'Exit Edit Mode' and 'Yes' to save.
Go to 'Display' tab, check Refinement Map to see the refined region as a red box.
Go back to ‘VRM’ tab. For best results (in many cases), the following settings are recommended:
- Refine Type = LOWCONN
- Select Refine Level (1 = ~0.5 deg, 2=0.25 deg, 3=⅛ deg=14km, …). Resolution in the refined region is the base grid resolution divided by 2^(refinement level)
- Smoothing Options: Spring, with Iterations = 3, Length = 3
If making a refined region with the finest a refine level =2 (resolution ne120), then make one halo with Value=0.5.
When satisfied with the halos, Exit Edit Mode, Yes to save, and go back to VRM tab. With the same settings as above used before (LOWCONN, Refine lev level =3, etc.), click Generate VarMesh:
The halos can be adjusted repeatedly in the Edit menu until satisfied with the grid. You can try "CUBIT" instead of "LOWCONN" to see if that is more appropriate for your application.
Once the grid is at least close to what you want proceed to steps below.
1) Save the Refinement Map - under the Actions menu. This writes a netcdf file of the map of refinement values (0 for no refinement, 1 for maximum refinement). Save the files as something like: REFMAP_Nanjing_ne30x8.nc.
Save frequently as the VRM Editor on the Mac tends to crash. You can then restart the Editor, Read the refinement later Refinement Map and start adjusting the grid from that point.
Also, make note of any Longitude Shift and Rotate-X, -Y values as those are not saved in the Refinement map Map file.
2) Write EXODUS File: If you are happy with your grid, under Actions: Write Exodus File - give it a name like Nanjing_ne30x8_EXODUS.nc.
If you want to make further manual edits to your grid, as described below, do not save the EXODUS file.
3) Write Refinement Grid - for manual editing of refinement region and halos
Once you have a rough version of your grid, save a the Refinement Grid - in the Actions menu, select 'Write Refinement Grid'.
(be sure this is all on one line)
For this example:
> /glade/derechowork/scratch/emmons/nanjingtutorial_musica_tutorial> /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_Nanjing/VRM_tools/VRM_Editor/src/Create_VRMgrid --refine_type "LOWCONN" --grid_type "CubeSquared" --resolution 30 --refine_level 3 --smooth_type "SPRING" --smooth_dist 3 --smooth_iter 3 --x_rotate 25 --y_rotate 0 --lon_shift 30 --refine_file REFMAP_Nanjing_ne30x8.nc --refine_cube RefGrid_Nanjing_ne30x8.dat --output Nanjing_ne30x8_EXODUS.nc
Plot EXODUS file with /glade/u/home/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing_notebooks/plotting/Plot_exodus_grid.ipynb
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Several types of grid files need to be created. These grids are described on the overview page.
Create SCRIP and LATLON grid files from EXODUS file
On casper: build Gen_ControlVolumes.exe; be sure to use the gnu (gcc) compiler.
> cd $REPO/grids> cp /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/$(VRM_tools)/VRM_ControlVolumes/src
> module load gcc
> make
> module load intel
> cd $REPO/grids
> cp ${VRM_tools}/VRM_ControlVolumes/src/input.nl input-Nanjing/input.nl input-Nanjing.nl
Edit input-Nanjing_ne30x8.nl to have your path to $REPO/grids and the grid name.
Then run Gen_ControlVolumes:
> /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/${VRM_tools}/VRM_ControlVolumes/src/Gen_ControlVolumes.exe input-Nanjing.nl > LOG_Nanjing
This produces the SCRIP file: Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_SCRIP.nc which is used for further regridding steps, as well as for plotting your final model output on the native grid.
A "LATLON" file is also produced: Nanjing_ne30x8_ and Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_LATLON.nc
If you do not see these files, check LOG_Nanjing for errors.
Examine the LATLON file to get the number of columns in your new grid:
In the directory with your SCRIP file ($REPO/grids), run (be sure all on one line):
> /glade/u/apps/casper/23.10/spack/opt/spack/esmf/8.5.0/mpi-serial/2.3.0/oneapi/2023.2.1/dfkx/bin/ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_SCRIP.nc Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_MESH.nc 0
Note the 0 at the end.
This creates the ESMF mesh file: Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_MESH.nc
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To keep with previous conventions for the structure of your new grid repository create directories inic, maps, atmsrf and topo in your repository:
The resulting file is assigned to ncdata in user_nl_cam.
> cd $REPO/inic
> cp /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/gen_CAMncdata/TEMPLATES/interpic_script_TEMPLATE.sh interpic_script_Nanjing.sh
> vi interpic_script_Nanjing.sh
Edit the script to point to your grid files. This template includes the path to an existing executable of interpic, which is available in the CESM source code.
On casper:
This script uses the interpic program provided in CESM source code, but must first be compiled. If you do not already have CESM code, see "Set up CESM3" below.
On casper, in CESM source code, ./components/cam/tools/interpic_new:
Edit Makefile:
l.15 from: LIB_NETCDF := /usr/local/lib
to: LIB_NETCDF := $(NETCDF)/lib
l.18 from: INC_NETCDF := /usr/local/include
to: INC_NETCDF := $(NETCDF)/include
l.99 from: LDFLAGS = -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf
to: LDFLAGS = -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/23.10 (S) 2) intel/2023.2.1 3) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 4) hdf5/1.12.2 5) netcdf/4.9.2
> gmake
This should have created the executable ‘interpic’. Alternatively, the instructions below use an existing executable available on casper.
> cd $REPO/inic
> cp /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/gen_CAMncdata/TEMPLATES/interpic_script_TEMPLATE.> module load nco
> module load ncl
> qcmd -- 'sh interpic_script_Nanjing.sh
> >vi loginterpic_script_Nanjing'
Check there are no errors in the log file. This should have created an ic file with the dimensions of your new grid: cami-mam4_0000-01-01_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_L32_c240809.nc
Regrid 'atmsrf' file
The resulting file is assigned to drydep_srf_file in user_nl_cam.
Copy the template script to your working directory and edit for your grid. Be sure directory $REPO/maps exists.
Edit the script to point to your grid files. This template includes the path to an existing executable of interpic, which is available in the CESM source code.
On casper:
> module load nco
> module load ncl> cd $REPO/atmsrf
> cp /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/gen_atmsrf/TEMPLATES/gen_atmsrf_TEMPLATE.ncl gen_atmsrf_Nanjing.ncl
> vi gen_atmsrf_Nanjing.ncl
> module load ncl
> module load esmf
> qcmd -- 'nclsh geninterpic_atmsrfscript_Nanjing.nclsh > log_Nanjing'
Check there are no errors in the log file. This writes atmsrf_should have created an ic file with the dimensions of your new grid: cami-mam4_0000-01-01_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_240809L32_c240809.nc.
Create Topography file
The resulting file is assigned to bnd_topo in user_nl_cam.
The following steps get the Topo software (https://github.com/NCAR/Topo), build the cube_to_target executable and run it. Documentation for Topo is available on its wiki page.
On your own computer, you can find ${VRM_tools}/gen_CAMncdata/TEMPLATES/interpic_script_TEMPLATE.sh, and use the interpic executable that you created. You can start with any *.cam.i.* file that you have available.
Regrid 'atmsrf' file
The resulting file is assigned to drydep_srf_file in user_nl_cam.
On casper: copy the template script to your working directory and edit for your grid. Be sure directory $REPO/maps exists.On casper:
> cd $REPO/atmsrf
> git clone https://github.com/NCAR/Topo.git Topo
cp /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/VRM_tools/gen_atmsrf/TEMPLATES/gen_atmsrf_TEMPLATE.ncl gen_atmsrf_Nanjing.ncl
> vi gen_atmsrf_Nanjing.ncl
> module load ncl> cd Topo
> cd cube_to_target
> module load gccesmf
> module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/23.10 (S) 2) ncl/6.6.2 3) gcc/12.2.0 4) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 5) hdf5/1.12.2 6) netcdf/4.9.2 7) cuda/12.2.1 8) ucx/1.14.1 9) openmpi/4.1.6 10) esmf/8.5.0
> gmake -f Makefile clean
> gmake -f Makefile
Put following in a script or be sure entire command is on one line:
> qcmd -l walltime=12:00:00 -l select=1:ncpus=1 -- ./cube_to_target --rrfac_manipulation
--output_grid='Nanjing_ne30x8' --rrfac_max=8 --smoothing_scale=100.0 -u 'Louisa Emmons, emmons@ucar.edu' > out_Nanjing
Modify the bold text to point to your SCRIP file, grid name, etc.
Can add option --output_data_directory to specify location of final topography file (be sure it already exists).
This can take several hours.
Generate CTSM (CLM) surface datasets
On derecho, use CTSM5.2 source code to create the needed surfdata and landuse_timeseries files.
> git clone https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM ctsm5.2.007
> cd ctsm5.2.007
> git checkout ctsm5.2.007
> bin/git-fleximod update
Build executable for mksurfdata
> cd ./tools/mksurfdata_esmf
> ./gen_mksurfdata_build
Generate namelist files containing specifications for creating the surface datasets.
First load the conda environment:
> module load conda/latest
> conda activate npl
Run the make namelist script (modify the bold text for your MESH file and your ncol for model-mesh-nx)
(npl) > /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/ctsm5.2.007/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/gen_mksurfdata_namelist --res Nanjing_ne30x8 --start-year 1979 --end-year 2026 --ssp-rcp SSP3-7.0 --model-mesh /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/grids/Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_MESH.nc --model-mesh-nx 60482 --model-mesh-ny 1
qcmd -- 'ncl gen_atmsrf_Nanjing.ncl > log_Nanjing'
Check there are no errors in the log file. This writes atmsrf_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_240809.nc.
On your own computer: find ${VRM_tools}/gen_atmsrf/TEMPLATES/gen_atmsrf_TEMPLATE.ncl
Create Topography file
The resulting file is assigned to bnd_topo in user_nl_cam.
The following steps get the Topo software (https://github.com/NCAR/Topo), build the cube_to_target executable and run it. Documentation for Topo is available on its wiki page.
On casper:
> cd $REPO
> git clone https://github.com/NCAR/Topo.git Topo
> cd Topo
> cd cube_to_target
> module load gcc
> module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) ncarenv/23.10 (S) 2) ncl/6.6.2 3) gcc/12.2.0 4) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 5) hdf5/1.12.2 6) netcdf/4.9.2 7) cuda/12.2.1 8) ucx/1.14.1 9) openmpi/4.1.6 10) esmf/8.5.0
> gmake -f Makefile clean
> gmake -f Makefile
Put following in a script or be sure entire command is on one line:
> qcmd -l walltime=12:00:00 -l select=1:ncpus=1 -- ./cube_to_target --rrfac_manipulation
--output_grid='Nanjing_ne30x8' --rrfac_max=8 --smoothing_scale=100.0 -u 'Louisa Emmons, emmons@ucar.edu' > out_Nanjing
Modify the bold text to point to your SCRIP file, grid name, etc.
Can add option --output_data_directory to specify location of final topography file (be sure the directory already exists).
This can take several hours.
Generate CTSM (CLM) surface datasets
On derecho, use CTSM5.3 source code to create the needed surfdata and landuse_timeseries files. (Latest tag is good to use, as of 1/25/25 it is ctsm5.3.020).
> git clone https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM ctsm5.3
> cd ctsm5.3
> git checkout ctsm5.3.0
> bin/git-fleximod update
Build executable for mksurfdata
> cd ./tools/mksurfdata_esmf
> ./gen_mksurfdata_build
Generate namelist files containing specifications for creating the surface datasets.
First load the conda environment:
> module load conda/latest
> conda activate npl
Run the make namelist script (modify the bold text for your resolution, MESH file and ncol for model-mesh-nx)
(npl) > /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/ctsm5.2.007/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/gen_mksurfdata_namelist --res Nanjing_ne30x8 --start-year 1979 --end-year 2026 --ssp-rcp SSP3-7.0 --model-mesh /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/grids/Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_MESH.nc --model-mesh-nx 60482 --model-mesh-ny 1
This This creates files like: landuse_timeseries_SSP3-7.0_1979-2026_78pfts.txt and surfdata_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979_78pfts_c240809.namelist.
This creates the netcdf files that will be used in your simulation, specified in user_nl_clm: fsurdat = '/repo_path/land/surfdata_ ... .nc' and flanduse_timeseries = '/repo_path/land/landuse.timeseries_ ... .nc'. In your $REPO, create a directory 'land' (mkdir $REPO/land) and copy these 2 nc files to it.
> conda deactivate
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On derecho, checkout a CESM3 beta tag (that uses ctsm5.2). It is recommended the source code is cloned into your work (or scratch, if necessary) directory ; you might run out of space in home) directory where sufficient storage is available. CESM3 has replaced manage_externals with git-fleximod, which requires the following commands:
Below, $CESMCODE refers to yourcesm3_0_beta01 directory.
1. Add an entry for your new ESMF mesh file in <cesm>/ccs_config/component_grids_nuopc.xml
For this grid:
<domain name="ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8">
<nx>60482</nx> <ny>1</ny>
<desc>ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8 is a Spectral Elem 1-deg grid with a 1/8 deg refined region over east China:</desc>
<support>Test support only</support>
2. Add a grid alias entry in <cesm>/ccs_config/modelgrid_aliases_nuopc.xml:
<model_grid alias="ne0Nanjingne30x8_ne0Nanjingne30x8_mt12" not_compset="_POP">
<grid name="atm">ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8</grid>
<grid name="lnd">ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8</grid>
<grid name="ocnice">ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8</grid>
Note the “grid name” must match the ”domain name” in component_grids_nuopc.xml.
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On derecho, go to the directory (or create one) for all your CESM cases (in your /glade/u/home/$USER or /glade/work/$USER directory). Create a new case with FHIST compset:
> /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/cesm3_0_beta01/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/cases/f.e3beta01.FHIST.Nanjing_ne30x8.01 --res ne0Nanjingne30x8_ne0Nanjingne30x8_mt12 --compset FHIST --run-unsupported --project AACD0004 --pecount 2048
This creates a new directory, $CASEROOT = /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/cases/f.e3beta01.FHIST.Nanjing_ne30x8.01.
> ./case.setup
Add to user_nl_cam:
case with FHIST compset:
> /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/cesm3_0_beta01/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/cases/f.e3beta01.FHIST.Nanjing_ne30x8.01 --res ne0Nanjingne30x8_ne0Nanjingne30x8_mt12 --compset FHIST --run-unsupported --project AACD0004 --pecount 2048
This creates a new directory, $CASEROOT = /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/cases/f.e3beta01.FHIST.Nanjing_ne30x8.01.
> ./case.setup
Add to user_nl_cam:
ncdata = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/cami-mam4_0000-01-01_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_L32_c240809.nc'
bnd_topo = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/topo/topo/Nanjing_ne30x8_gmted2010_modis_bedmachine_nc3000_Laplace0100_noleak_20240729.nc'
drydep_srf_file = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/atmsrf/atmsrf_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_240809.nc'
se_refined_mesh = .true.
se_mesh_file = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/grids/Nanjing_ne30x8_EXODUS.nc'
inithist = 'DAILY'
Set the timestep based on recommended value in: https://github.com/ESMCI/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit/blob/master/VRM_tools/Docs/CAM-tsteps-inic-for-newgrids_v0.pdf
Add to user_nl_clm:
fsurdat = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/land/surfdata_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979_78pfts_c240809.nc'
flanduse_timeseries = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/land/landuse.timeseries_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979-2026_78pfts_c240809.nc'
Add the override flag in your individual case directory to ensure CTSM doesn’t error out due to an unsupported grid:
./xmlchange --append CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-no-chk_res"
> qcmd -- ./case.build
Set up to run a few days.
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE="2010-01-01"
./xmlchange STOP_N="5"
If it does not run, try adjusting parameters, as described in https://github.com/ESMCI/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit/blob/master/VRM_tools/Docs/CAM-tsteps-inic-for-newgrids_v0.pdf
Once it runs, change the frequency of writing IC files from daily to monthly (in user_nl_cam: inithist = 'MONTHLY') and run a year. Save the final *cam.i.* file to use for future CAM simulations (ncdata in user_nl_cam).
Save the final CLM restart file (*.clm2.r.*.nc) to use for finidat in user_nl_clm in future runs.
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Create a case with FCnudged compset
> /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/cesm3_0_beta01/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case ncdata = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/cami-mam4_0000-01-01_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_L32_c240809.nc'
bnd_topo = ' /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/topo/topo/cases/f.e3beta01.FCnudged.Nanjing_ne30x8_gmted2010_modis_bedmachine_nc3000_Laplace0100_noleak_20240729.nc'
drydep_srf_file = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/atmsrf/atmsrf_ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8_240809.nc'
se_refined_mesh = .true.
se_mesh_file = '.01 --res ne0Nanjingne30x8_ne0Nanjingne30x8_mt12 --compset FCnudged --run-unsupported --project AACD0004 --pecount 2048
Regrid IC file
You will need to regrid a previous CAM-chem IC file to your grid (to use for ncdata in user_nl_cam). If you have an IC file on a Finite Volume grid (f09) use 'interpic' as shown above. If starting from a file on ne30 grid, use the ncl script at: https://github.com/NCAR/IPT/tree/master/Initial_conditions
A sample script for regridding a f09 CAM-chem file to the new grid is: /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/
inithist = 'DAILY'
Add to user_nl_clm
fsurdat = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/land/surfdata_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979_78pfts_c240809.nc'
flanduse_timeseries = '/glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/land/landuse.timeseries_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979-2026_78pfts_c240809.nc'
Add the override flag in your individual case directory to ensure CTSM doesn’t error out due to an unsupported grid:
./xmlchange --append CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-no-chk_res"
> qcmd -- ./case.build
Set up to run a few days.
If it does not run, try adjusting parameters, as described in https://github.com/ESMCI/Community_Mesh_Generation_Toolkit/blob/master/VRM_tools/Docs/CAM-tsteps-inic-for-newgrids_v0.pdf
Once it runs, change the frequency of writing IC files from daily to monthly (in user_nl_cam: inithist = 'MONTHLY') and run a year. Save the final *cam.i.* file to use for future CAM simulations (ncdata in user_nl_cam).
Save the final CLM restart file (*.clm2.r.*.nc) to use for finidat in user_nl_clm in future runs.
Set up a CAM-chem case for production
Create a case with FCnudged compset.
You will need to regrid a previous CAM-chem IC file to your grid (to use for ncdata in user_nl_cam). If you have an IC file on a Finite Volume grid (f09) use 'interpic' as shown above. If starting from a file on ne30 grid, use the ncl script at: https://github.com/NCAR/IPT/tree/master/Initial_conditions
Regrid emissions files to your grid
Python regridding function: https://ncar.github.io/CAM-chem/examples/functions/Regridding.html
Example Python notebooks for regridding: /glade/u/home/emmons/EMISSIONS/regrid_notebooks_samples/
Regrid meteorology (MERRA2 or GEOS-FP) files to your grid
Regridding meteorological data
Update user_nl_clm
Use the CLM restart file from your CAM spinup for finidat in user_nl_clm.
Update user_nl_cam
If simulating post-2015, update lower boundary conditions file:
flbc_file = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/waccm/lb/LBC_17500116-25001216_CMIP6_SSP585_0p5degLat_c20200824.nc'
Add list of emissions files on new grid (srf_emis_specifier and ext_frc_specifier)
Update sea surface temperature (SST) file
./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME='/glade/p/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_1850_2021_c141021.nc'
./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_END=2021
Using existing Nanjing_ne30x8 grid files
After creating a new case and running ./case.setup, do the following steps:
- Copy contents of /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/user_nl_cam to user_nl_cam in your case directory
- Copy contents of /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/user_nl_clm to user_nl_clm in your case directory
- In your case directory, run xmlchange commands listed in /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/shell_commands
Then build your case (>qcmd -- ./case.build )
Also, regrid emissions and met files to your grid.
Use the CLM restart file from your CAM spinup for finidat in user_nl_clm.