- Rsw.in: drop(!) of about 8 W/m^2- Rpile.in: no effect (despite . (P.S. Some morning and mid-day reductions in Rsw.in are now gone. This appeared to have started between 12--14 Oct -- all at the same time. This is consistent with Sebastian's comment about being really dirty!bird droppings, that would have shaded the sensor for high solar elevation angles.)
- Rpile.in: no effect
- Rsw.out: drop of perhaps 2 W/m^2
- Rpile.out: no effect
- SPN1: so far, better agreement between Rsw.global.flr and Rsw.in.flr (though global does go higher at about noon) and between Rsw.dfs.flr and Rsw.dfs.near (though not much data, since I just restarted near).