Postion | Latitude (N) | Longitude (W) | DOP |
far tower | 34d 58.007' | 111d 03.182' | 5m |
rad stand | 34d 58.002' | 111d 03.174' | 5m |
soil plot | 34d 57.997' | 111d 03.172' | 5m |
In the afternoon, Tim again climbed with the other 3 of us on the ground to strip 6 of 8 levels from Rim.
End-of-day status (not <too> bad for a project that ended at noon!):
- Trailer: All computers packed; networking down (but not yet packed). (Had to disconnect AP24, Hughes, and base DSM since cables ran through space needed for packing.)
- Far: Totally removed (except Utah SODAR)
- Rim: 6/8 levels & 2/2 DSMS removed
- Base: Windsonic & DSM still running (just on battery), data only saved locally
- Flr: Should be completely running, data only saved locally
- Near: Tower should be running, data only saved locally. (No radiation or soil.)
- 449 site: Tower is up.
- Chris just arrived; Clayton leaves tomorrow.