Feature Update | Component | Relevant model | Contibutor(s) | Notes |
New dust scheme | land and atmosphere: interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Danny Leung | An updated interactive dust scheme to emit dust into the atmopshereatmosphere. Will be default in CESM3. (CAM Issue #651) |
MAM5 aerosols | aerosol mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Simone Tilmes, Louisa Emmons, Francis Vitt, Mike Mills | MAM5 (MAM4 + 1 mode for stratospheric sulfate) for all CESM configuration (CAM Issue #663, #664) |
MEGAN-CLM5 | land and atmosphere: interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Alex Guenther (UCI) | Implement updated interactive biogenic emissions with Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) (CTSM Issue #1323) Already an update related to drought. CLM development is slightly different to from offline MEGAN3. |
HEMCO integration | emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Haipeng Lin (Harvard, NCAR/CGD) | Online reading and re-gridding of emissions. Includes diurnal cycle options. (CAM Issue #560). Regrids to an intermediate grid. Needs testing with MPAS. |
Feature Update | Component | Relevant model | Contibutor(s) | Notes |
CMIP7 Forcing | Emissions and external forcing (e.g. solar, volcano, fire) | CESM/CAM-Chem | Benjamin Gaubert, Simone Tilmes, Louisa Emmons, Rebecca Buchholz | https://github.com/NCAR/CMIP7_inputdata_processing |
Ozone and nitrogen deposition | Chemistry fields for other models without | WACCM output for other models | Doug Kinnison | Simulations performed with 2 degrees WACCM. Output from CMIP7 runs for non interactive chemistry runs. Updated EPP forcing. Possible connection with mid-top. Saving O3, N dep, OH? |
MAM5 code for Mid Top CMIP7 simulations | Reading 5th mode forcing in simple chemistry | CAM | Simone Tilmes, Francis Vitt | add pull request link? |
TUVx | Photolysis | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Doug Kinnison | New photolysis scheme. (https://github.com/NCAR/tuv-x) |
Soil NOx | online calculation of soil NO emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Maria Val Martin (University of Sheffield) | Updated Soil NOx emissions (CTSM Issue #1952) |
Short Lived Halogens (SLH) | chemistry mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Rafael Fenandez (ICB-CONICET), Carlos Cuevas (CSIC) | Sea Salt and Dust Surface area density (SAD) improvements |
Heterogeneous uptake on sea salt and dust | multi-phase chemistry | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Rafael Fenandez (ICB-CONICET), Carlos Cuevas (CSIC), Danny Leung | Heterogeneous reaction of N2O5 with on sea salt and saline dust. Need ClNO2 (inc. in SLH mechnismmechanism). |
Marine Organic Aerosol Emissions | emissions | CESM/CAM | Simone Tilmes | Add emissions of marine aerosols (CAM Issue #531). Two more aerosol species added to the model. Impacts cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). |
Feature Update | Component | Relevant model | Notes |
Saving 2m (height) ozone | diagnostic | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Some land component output is necessary for interpolating the surface layer to 2m. |
Saving MDA8 ozone | diagnostic | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Important for comparing with air quality attainment standards. |
Lightning NOx | atmosphere interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Scale aware production of lightning NOx. |
Upper boundary conditions | External forcing | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM | Optional Upper boundary conditions for the low top L58 model created from a WACCM simulation (CAM Issue #533). NOy. |
Marine Organic Aerosol Emissions | emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Add emissions of marine aerosols (CAM Issue #531). |
Nitrate aerosols | aerosol mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Implementation of MOSIAC and CARMA with nitrate aerosols. Danny Leung, Yunqian Zhu (NOAA). |
T3S | chemistry mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Urban chemistry relevant mechnismmechanism. Publication in prep. Duseong Jo (Seoul National University). |
CARMA implementation | complex aerosols | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA |
Interactive methane | emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Benjamin Gaubert |
Previous updates
Previous updates that have happened been implemented in the model.
Feature Update | Component | Relevant model | Contibutor(s) | Notes | Date Finalized |
T4S Chemistry Mechanism | chemistry mechanism | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Louisa Emmons | Simplified tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry to be used for longer scale runs (e.g. CMIP7). | |
Simple Chemistry | chemistry mechanism | CAM7 | Duseong Jo (Seoul National University), Louisa Emmons | Simple chemistry (for CAM7) with updated SOA parameterization to support tropospheric aerosol formation (MAM4) (CAM Issue #727). https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-16-3893-2023 | Feb 7, 2023 |
OASISSOASSIS | interactive emissions | CESM/CAM-Chem, WACCM and MUSICA | Siyuan Wang | Online DMS emissions based on Online Air-Sea Interface for Soluble Species (OASISS) | 2019 |