Generate CTSM (CLM) surface datasets
On derecho, use CTSM5.2 3 source code to create the needed surfdata and landuse_timeseries files. (Latest tag is good to use, as of 1/25/25 it is ctsm5.3.020).
> git clone https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM ctsm5.2.0073
> cd ctsm5.2.0073
> git checkout ctsm5.23.0070
> bin/git-fleximod update
Run the make namelist script (modify the bold text for your resolution, MESH file and your ncol for model-mesh-nx)
(npl) > /glade/work/emmons/cesm_src_derecho/ctsm5.2.007/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/gen_mksurfdata_namelist --res Nanjingres Nanjing_ne30x8 --start-year 1979 --end-year 2026 --ssp-rcp SSP3-7.0 --model-mesh /glade/work/emmons/tutorial_Nanjing/ne0np4.Nanjing.ne30x8/grids/Nanjing_ne30x8_np4_MESH.nc --model-mesh-nx 60482 --model-mesh-ny 1
This creates files like: landuse_timeseries_SSP3-7.0_1979-2026_78pfts.txt and surfdata_Nanjing_ne30x8_SSP3-7.0_1979_78pfts_c240809.namelist.