*** PAGE actively in development ***
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| You will need to ssh into Code Block |
| derecho.hpc.ucar.edu |
CESM2.2 on Derecho
Note, the pe-layout of existing compsets in the new code base of CESM2 for derecho (cesm2.2.2) have not been adjusted to the new computer, and running out of the box can lead to large differences in computer costs compared to running on cheyenne. New PE-layouts are still being developed. We are working on updating these compsets. One way to increase performance is to use this namelist setting:
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phys_loadbalance = 1 |
CESM2.2 on Derecho
Your $HOME and $WORK directories (on glade) are the same path on cheyenne and derecho. Therefore, it is recommended to create a new directory (in $HOME or $WORK) for cases you will run on derecho, to not confuse them with cases built on cheyenne (which will not run on derecho). Derecho and cheyenne have separate $SCRATCH directories.
Get the optimized history-writing code for CLM with these commands: (Not sure this is still neeeded???)
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> cd components/clm
> git fetch origin
> git checkout release-cesm2.2.01/hist_opt |
Note, the pe-layout of existing compsets in the new code base of CESM2 for derecho (cesm2.2.2) has not been adjusted to the new computer, and running out of the box can lead to large differences in computer costs compared to running on cheyenne.
To improve improve the performance of derecho, you can add the following to your user_nl_cam file.
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phys_loadbalance = 1 |
If you want to run a regional refined model simulation on derecho, you may use the following sandbox that will in order to provide the same performance on derecho as it did on cheyenne:
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| 7. (Optional) Check namelist settings in the namelist files user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm . Most CAM-chem related namelist variables are in CaseDocs/atm_in , but MEGAN and drydep are in CaseDocs/drv_flds_in (these files are created during build). To modify any of these, copy the appropriate lines to user_nl_cam and edit there. For example, if the startdate has been changed in env_run.xml , you have to also change the date of the initial meteorology file in user_nl_cam to start at the corresponding date. For other changes see namelist changes or advanced options page. |
After adding changes to user_nl_*
files, optionally run:
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>./preview_namelists |
NOTE: most changes in user_nl_*
files do not require re-building. However, during a run (CONTINUE_RUN = TRUE) no changes can be made to history output (fincl lists). If you want to change history output, create a new or branch run.
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The pe-layout of existing compsets in the new code base of CESM2 for derecho (cesm2.2.2) has not been adjusted to the new computer, and running out of the box can lead to large differences in computer costs compared to running on cheyenne. New PE-layouts are still being developed. We are working on updating these compsets. One way to increase performance is to use a namelist setting. To improve improve the performance of derecho, you can add the following to your user_nl_cam file.
8. Check the run setup. In the env_batch.xml
file make sure to have your project added correctly: <entry id="PROJECT" value=$YOUR_PROJECT_CODE>
Depending on the version of CESM, you may instead find the entry id for PROJECT in env_workflow.xml
While running, output is written to <run_dir>: /glade/derecho/scratch/<username>/$CASENAME/run
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| After the run completes successfully, output files are moved to the short term archive: /glade/derecho/scratch/<username>/archive/$CASENAME/atm/hist (similar directories exist for other model components: lnd, etc.).
Restart and initial conditions files are written to: /glade/derecho/scratch/<username>/archive/$CASENAME/rest Note: long term archiving is currently not working Tip |
| For more options regarding the submission and running options type: case.submit --help |
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| Default output is monthly, so if you run a test 5-day simulation with monthly output, you will not see any files in the atm/hist location. However, restart files will have been created. |