Sonics and gas analyzers
v07 4m
The plan is to replace it with the last RMYoung. 2% bad samples all the time would be better than 2% good samples during the day.
tse01 10m
CSAT3A on port 2 is reporting all bad samples as of 2017-06-02,08 UTC. So we only have to replace whichever of head or box is bad, or both, but we have spares. Cycling power did not help.
tnw09 10m
Lots of flagged samples still. This is a CSAT3 IRGA. Up to %30 of the winds are flagged in qctables, need to check on the gas diagnostic.
tnw07b 4m
Diagnostic still mostly bad.
TRH Sensors
tse11 60m
Still needs to be replaced.
Other issues
tse05 power
Isabel and I installed a second solar panel at tse05 around 16z. The panel is more horizontal and is aimed more west, since the first panel is aimed more east. It Looks like voltage jumped up a tenth, but maybe there will not be enough charging left today to get it through tonight. Maybe tomorrow night.
1 Comment
Steve Oncley
At tse05, at least P and Vdsm have offscale values during the nights of May 31, Jun 1,2,3 presumably due to the low voltage. We'll have to remove these values in post-processing (probably just by a maxVale parameter in the .xml).