IOP ran last night.  Haven't heard the outcome.  We had relt run out of battery at 0100 and would have lost data from 2 dsms there.  In other news today:

  • Swapped out batteries in rel to give it good voltages.  It helps that today was mostly sunny for charging.  We expect things to stay up tonight (finally!)
  • Half implemented cable sleeving using PVC pipe.  rel and uconv are now in pretty good shape.  Will work on lconv tomorrow.
  • relt's (cabled) ethernet died again today.  Nothing was found wrong with the cable.  Swapped ethernet switch ports with rel2 and both came back.  Strange.  Will keep on monitoring.
  • Gary noticed that my naming of the new Ubiquit access point conflicted with a dsm.  He's changed it.
  • Did a nids_merge and part of a statsproc_redo to get more complete statistics, but had lots of sample time errors.  Gary and I think that this may be due to the corrupt messages from uconv2's GPS.  (BTW, I note that at least part of the messages are decipherable if bit 7 of each character is forced to 0.) . I've just changed the config on uconv2 to remove the GPS messages from the future data archive.  It still isn't clear how to handle the past...
  • Also removed legacy daily plot R code to get more plots going.  Still have one group of plots to work on...

Plan for tomorrow:

  • Add USB cables to monitor power on both branches of init and the other branches at rel and uconv.
  • Start on the guy-wire flagging project

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Just got webplots working the way I had intended.  Now to see if April has any ideas for enhancements.