Daily report for Wednesday October 23
Weather: Warm and sunny today. Topped 70F. Light winds (easterly in the afternoon). Ceilometer saw a layer of smoke this morning, which mixed nicely as the BL grew through the day. Nehanth was seeing very good lidar echoes. IOP 6 to begin this evening.
Profiler power: 0.124mW (at 22:16Z)
Soundings: Will follow usual IOP sequence: 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am, 7am, 10am.
Problems and interesting events:
Nagios all green at ISFS Base
Nagios all green (ISS site) except:
- Disk space CRITICAL: fs_/scr says "CRIT - 97.7% used (2686.41 of 2750.7 GB), (levels at 80.0/90.0%), trend: +74.48GB / 24 hours"
- Also the two lidar errors appeared again because of no dbs or los scans during the IOP.
449-RASS: Working well (to larger heights). (Did not check for issue of sound ending before the 5-min dwell ends)
WILL need to clear disk space within 1 day.
SODAR site: solar trailer battery at 100% (2pm LT); . Sodar chirping.
All sensors appear to be operating well, however:
CEILOMETER CL-View screen still shows a warning: (Status: Blower failure; Status: Heater fault; (both blower and heater show "OFF").)