Data from 8m sonic quit around 22:00 local last night, June 13, which was shortly after the rain started.
This morning at about 6:15 logged tried to restart it with rserial and '&', 'D' commands, but failed.
What did work was "eio 5 0; eio 5 1"
This serial port is showing many errors (rather like the 20m sonic).
cktty 5 5: uart:ST16654 port:F1000100 irq:3 tx:24312 rx:335503663 fe:1254623 brk:548000 RTS|CTS|DTR
These high counts for fe (framing errors) and brk (break condition) are since the last reboot of the low DSM, 16 days ago, so we don't know if they happened last night.