Taken mostly from qctables:
Radiometers: not getting rpile.in, tcase.in, others reporting (tried pushing scan i2c button, didn't fix)
Gsoil/qsoil/lambda: not yet plugged in (Steve is updating PIC code on these sensors)
Tsoils: all reporting, data looks good.
Pressure: all reporting, no data in qctables because it's outside clip limits which are set for Gothic. Data looks ok in ncharts.
TRH: all reporting (just replaced fuse + housing for 13m trh, it's reporting now but not yet making it to qctables), data looks good.
CSAT: no winds from ue 3m, ue 10m, c 5, 10, 15, 20m. Haven't done much looking into this yet. Looked at c 15m for a few minutes, lights in EC100 box are all green but not getting any data over the port (cu port 7). Will keep looking into the others.
EC150: no gas from all the ones listed above, plus uw 10m. All the co2 values from the EC150s that are reporting are clipped in qctables.
Pillows: currently no data. Did these get unplugged? I know we were getting data from them earlier...
Flowcaps: getting data from 1m flowcaps, not from 2m. Do we have a second flowcaps to stage, or is it just the 1m one?
Apogee IR: all reporting. Don't know if the values are ok because I don't know what the expected range is for this sensor.
Tsnows: The one tsnow currently plugged in looks good. Are we planning to stage any of the others?
Gps/chrony: finally started getting good GPS on uw, but just recently stopped getting good gps on ct. I'll look into it, see jira for more details.
Victrons: not staged, not planning to stage (actually want to stage at least one as part of a power drop test – Tony is building up power boxes for this)
Anything else I'm forgetting??