Disk Performance

Overview: Shows the performance of the storage LUNs, aggregated into the Glade filesystems.

Ignore the negative values, this is due to plotting two data streams within a single graph.

Graph Descriptions

GLADE disks

Horizontal Axistime stamp
Vertical Positive AxisBytes read / second (units will auto-adjust)
Vertical Negative AxisBytes written / second (units will auto-adjust)
Positive Datadata above zero represents reads. Green: glade_scratch,  Dark Blue: glade_p  Light Blue: glade_u
Negative Datadata below zero represents writes. Green: glade_scratch, Dark Blue: glade_p Light Blue: glade_u
Black LineAverage rate of reads/write for the displayed time period.  (need to look at more than 1 hour)
Reads LegendCurrent read rate, total amount of reads in time period, average reads per sec in time period
Writes LegendCurrent writes rate, total amount of writes in time period, average writes per sec in time period

Scratch disks, /glade/u disks, /glade/p disks, EREBUS disks

Horizontal Axistime stamp
Vertical Positive AxisBytes read (units will auto-adjust)
Vertical Negative AxisBytes written (units will auto-adjust)
Positive Datadata above zero represents reads
Negative Datadata below zero represents writes
Black LineAverage rate of reads/write for the displayed time period.  (need to look at more than 1 hour)
Reads Legendtotal reads, reads in last hour, ave reads per sec
Writes Legendtotal writes, writes in last hour, ave writes per sec

glade100ib1 NSDs

Horizontal Axistime stamp
Vertical AxisBytes per second (units will auto-adjust)
Greendata coming into the NSD ports on the glade IB switch (reads from Glade)

data going out of the NSD ports on the Glade IB switch (writes to Glade)

In LegendCurrent rate, total amount transferred in time period, average reads per sec in time period
Out LegendCurrent rate, total amount transferred in time period, average reads per sec in time period

CFDS NSD Cluster Network

Horizontal Axistime stamp
Vertical AxisBytes per second (units will auto-adjust)
Green10G Ethernet and IPoIB traffic coming into NSDs (writes to Glade)
Blue10G Ethernet and IPoIB traffic going out of NSDs (read from Glade)
In Legendtotal amount transferred in time period
Out Legendtotal amount transferred in time period

Data Files

Data Source

Disk performance data is collected by a script running "iostat" running on each NSD.  It reports reads/writes in KB every 15 seconds for the whole 15 second interval.  It's split into the different filesystems (depending on the disk being measured) and sent to ganglia.

"glade100ib1 NSDs" data is collected by a script running "perfquery" running on glademgt1.  It runs against the NSD ports on the Glade IB switch.  So "in" shows traffic received by the switch ports sent from the NSDs, for example.  NSD writes = switch port reads

"CFDS NSD Cluster Network" data is collected by ganglia's gmond running on each NSD.  It reports IP-based network traffic (10G and IB) every 15 seconds.  "In" shows traffic received by the NSD nic.









Ganglia Processing

Disk performance data is multiplied by 1024 (to convert KB to bytes) and writes are multiplied by -1 (to flip the plot for better readability).

Uses rrdtool's "last", "total", and "average" functions to create the legends on the graphs.








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