YS Uplinks

Overview: Performance data from the switch ports on the Glade IB switch used as uplinks to the main Orca switches.

(what do the negative and positive values mean? Can the individual Orca charts be color coded instead of all gray?)

Horizontal Axistime stamp
Vertical Axisbytes per second (units will auto-adjust)
Legendeach uplink, _r for receive, _x for transmit
Positive dataTransmits from the switch port
Negative dataReceives to the switch port

This data is collected by a script running "perfquery" running on glademgt1. It runs against all uplink port on the Glade IB switch. So "receives" show traffic received by the switch ports sent from the Orcas, for example.

Transmits multiplied by -1 to flip the plot over the x-axis.








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