T.100m died on Sat (2 May) ~1600. eio doesn't revive it. However, "ddn/dup" did! I noticed that its last message at May 2 22Z was normal. I see nothing in the logs about anything odd happening at this time..
bao rad mote died between 1000-1400 on Sun (3 May), but came back. John's watchdog brought it back. The last message was at 16:11:56.3590Z, then an "Xbee reset" occurs at 19:12:00.1041 (and the reset time was set to 3 hours).
sonic data at 50, 150, and 250m missing for about an hour about 0600 today (4 May), but came back.
About a week ago, Tsoil.x.4.4cm started going bad and has been garbage for the last 3 days. This is the brown-coated probe installed rightside-up. The white epoxy upside-down Tsoil.4.4cm is okay. I note that the white epoxy probe was what went bad at ehs...
I'm preparing to add a nanobarometer to bao.5m.