Data Analysis Services Group - May 2016

News and Accomplishments

VAPOR Project

Project information is available at:


WASP Award:
John and Scott held a number of discussions with Amit Chourizia on integrating SeedMe into VAPOR. SeedMe provides a cloud service for converting image sequences into a movie file. Scott Created and iterated over a mockup for the SeedMe GUI that will be developed by UCSD.

KISTI Award:

2.x Development:

3.x Development:

Scott did the following:

  • Implemented a SliderTextCombo box class to abstract much of the code that is needed for the current sliders and text entries in our EventRouter class. ­Implemented mouse modes
  • Changed the GeometrySubtab to eliminate the “Apply to terrain” option, instead setting the default 2D variable to be blank, thus disabling the feature until the user selects another variable. 
  • Implemented the BoxSliderFrame class in the TwoDDataEventRouter. 
  • Worked on implementing Image tabs in the ImageEventRouter and the TwoDDataEventRouter before cancelling that effort due to issues figuring out where opengl matrix transforms should be performed. 
  • Removed the “Selected Point” and “Background Color” fields from the TwoDImageSubtab gui 
  • Moved “Image File Selection” from Variables tab to Appearance tab.

John completed development of the 2D data renderer. This required a slight re-factoring of the 2.x ShaderMgr. The new data renderer uses a programmable shader to perform rendering.

John added support for map projections in 3.0. They had not be integrated earlier.



John participated in the NSF site review on computational systems.

John hired two new staff: Stanislaw Jarosynsky, a student asst.,; and Samuel Li, an SEII. Samuel will not begin work until Sept. due to prior commitments.

John completed writing staff annual reviews.

John served on an interview committee for SSG open group head position.

Education and Outreach:

Software Research Projects

Feature Tracking:

Climate data compression:

Production Visualization Services & Consulting



  • Gave a WIP seminar on May regarding the Advanced User Support effort with Joanie Kleypas’ coral research
  • Created and submitted a visualization to XSEDE 2016 covering the Advanced User Support with Joanie Kleypas and received acceptance.
  • Provided a few short clips from the visualiation for Al Kellie to use during the NSF site visit.

ASD Support

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Publications, Papers & Presentations

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Systems Projects

Data Services

  • xxx

Accounting & Statistics

  • xxx

Security & Administration

  • xxx

System Monitoring

  • xxx

System Support

ML - Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters

  • xxx

GLADE Storage Cluster

  • xxx

Data Transfer Cluster

  • xxx

Experimental Clusters

  • xxx

Test Clusters

Storage Usage Statistics



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