This list for my own use (though others are welcome to comment/add)...Steve
sonics: have Gordon/Kate shoot a third set; take median of the 3 for boom angles; put into QC files
TRH: check T against a neighbor anytime Ifan=0 to see if fan was really off. If on, reset Ifan minValue.
TRH: add offset from postcal to one sensor that read off
Pirga: adjust offset
Qsoil: just use median of gravimetrics everywhere (need to take more)
Cvsoil: just use median of values taken (need to get one working from Steve S.)
tc: correct based on Tc using Tom's method; use when TRH dies
Rad: remove cleaning periods?; remove wetness-not-dry
Wetness: convert S15 to water-on-surface flag
Rain: remove test tips
IRGA: remove cases with water on lens (there should be a diag flag for this?)