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  1. Unknown User (munnerly)





    A2D Test good

    A2D autocal run and saved, good.

    users report AEROS connection to real time data is grayed out, called SE, problem resolved

    PSTF nan, soft reboot, dsm304, did not fix, cycled power to DSM, PSTF okay

    12:30Z    Wheels up

    12:39Z    status page, cameras stopped, commands stop and start cameras, status page says cameras okay, recent files seen on hard drive.

    12:44Z    dsmRWO stopped,cycle power

    12:50Z    dsmRWO, cycled power,

    12:55Z    dsmRWO, data came back briefly, then nan again, cycled power again

    13:12Z    Julie Haggerty and ADS report no conc or images LWO 2DC, end diode voltages present, cycled power to probe, will have to wait for the next cloud

    13:45Z    Julie Haggerty, LWO 2DC awake

    13:45Z    On station

    15:03Z    cloud edge, histograms on all probes, images on both 2dc probes. DPR above RTHx, DPL does not follow.

    15:40Z    Ferry to Caribbean leg

    16:20Z    Beginning first leg, Caribbean side