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  1. Unknown User (munnerly)

    Tech: Munnerlyn

    Preflight: No cameras for flight, Chris says is not software.
    CPC@L1 is nan, Adriana says because pump not on. Otherwise, all other vars look good.

    1530Z Wheels Up
    1557Z Cycled cameras off and on by icon per Dave Allbee, cameras are back.
    1629Z VCSEL power cycled per Mike Reeves
    1835Z pilots report we are under cloud
    1841Z Cloud edge, checking instruments, corrected temp equals corrected DP.
    1853Z CDP and PCASP show good histograms in cloud. 2DC has good end diode voltages and concentrations, will take no action.
    1900Z Cloud edge, ATX=DPR
    1905Z 2DC images working. CDP and PCASP histograms good too.
    1923Z cloud edge, ATX=DPx, all cloud probes firing.
    1926Z RTB
    1929Z Bonus cloud pass
    1930Z ADIFR ref port may have frozen