
Our next meeting will be on 06/01/21 between 9-10AM MST.  Meeting info for members only.

Time TopicSpeakerSlide Deck etc.
9:00-9:02IntroductionSiddSidd Intro
9:02-9:05Outage updates etc.Mick
9:05-9:10Non-alphanumeric character issue with PBSBrian

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science 
(TAI4ES) Summer School July 26-29, 2021

DJLink to the conference site
9:15-9:20GPGPU developer's community of practiceJohn DennisCommunity of Practice
9:20-9:40Porting of SAMURAI and MG6 into GPUJohn Dennis and Jian Sun
  1. Samurai work
  2. CAM work
9:40-10:00Porting of MPAS and MuRAM into GPUCena Miller and Supreeth Madapur SureshMPAS-A and MuRAM

Full recordings are available here.

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