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1 Comment

  1. Flight Tech: Dave Allbee

    Taxi - 1421

    Takeoff - 1429

    Landed (Midland, TX) - 1821

    Taxi (Midland, TX) - 2004

    Takeoff (Midland, TX) - 2010

    Landed - 2305

    Stuart handled the startup of VCSEL 2. Still no useful numbers on AEROS.

    Viewports frosted over when we landed on the ground in Midland, TX. Had to wait around for an hour+ for them to dry. Used the fan in the baggage compartment to assist in the drying process. Will not likely stop for fuel again during this project for this reason.

    1951 - Powered OFF DPL and DPR (flooded)

    2014 - Powered ON DPL and DPR.