IOP starting today at noon. Clear and cold in the morning, getting warmer through the day.

Steve and I paid several visits to PRS today to investigate thermocouple nans at 3m and 7m and an unresponsive EC100 at 2m:

  • added thermocouple probe at 3m (previously did not have one)
  • found 7m thermocouple cable not attached in data logger, attached it, but found that the probe was broken so we had to lower the tower to replace the probe. Tower lowered between approx 9:30 and 10:30 local. Cable management is very easy at PRS now that we have dressed the cables:
  • unresponsive EC100 turned out to be a prsr DSM port issue. EC100 was powered w/ green status lights but did not give any data on port 0. Good 3m EC100 didn't give data on port 0, 2m EC100 did give data on port 3. Tried replacing the dsm but replacement dsm had the same issue, so ended up moving the 2m EC100 to port 0 on prsg. More details on jira:

Steve paid a visit to Soldier Hollow and replaced some screws in the mount for the old-style sonic and added a new TP01 probe (left existing one in place but unplugged) while I was debugging the prsr dsm.

Dropped Steve off at the airport shuttle this afternoon. Thanks for everything!

1 Comment

  1. You are most welcome and thanks yourself!

    Also shot photos and boom angles at SH (not sure if we did this before). Boom angle entered in wiki table.