
The Gaviota Peak tower site (34.505978, -120.189939) is located along the ridge on the side of Forest Route 5N19, approximately 3.5 miles east of Gaviota Peak Trailhead off of Highway 101. Forest Route 5N19 is gated in two locations; one is locked by CA State Parks and Rec and one is locked by the USFS.  There is a parking area (34.506317, -120.189286) on the north side of the road with room for multiple vehicles. Crews could park in this lot and walk west on the shoulder about 200’ to the tower site, however there was also a freshly graded pullout at the tower site location that could be used for parking if the area still exists.

Lower down on the forest road there is a meadow that we were told could be impassible (mud) after rain.  This road also had a tree obstruction near the top, but we have passed through without having to use a saw.  The ridge road has some steep hill crests that you can't see over in the pickup, so a bit of a pucker factor, but the road does continue mostly straight!

Figure 1. Overview of site access and parking area

Photo 1. Freshly graded pullout at tower site location, looking east up Forest Route 5N19


  • For this install, coordinate with both:
  • Primary contact:
  • There are two locked gates, both have locks that work with the Forest Service key
  • Hikers use the access road, especially during weekends.  Drive slow, and I (Steve) have been using my flashers.
  • SBC Fire regularly bulldozes this track(Forest Route 5N19) for both fire crew access and to act as a fire cut. Consequently, the exact layout of the road and pull-offs are fluid so you may have to adjust the tower location.

To Do

Site Photos

Taken 3/25

View from site clockwise from N:



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