Weather: Sunny, breezy with sustained winds after 9am. ISS1 measured 6-10 m/s surface winds from the NW. ISS3 registered surface winds 8-12 m/s from the NW. Being in a sheltered location, ISS2 winds were ~2-6 m/w with circulating surface winds. 

  • Checking the data streams this morning there were a few sensors not reporting in QCTables, BUT logging into the DSM’s showed data was getting logged. As of this wiki s14 (Sedgewick) is down on nagios. 

  • Visited John and Laura at ISS2 and while there we all visited s14 (Boy Scout Camp) and took a soil sample. We spotted wild turkeys on the way:

  • I also tracked a few serial numbers of various ISS2 sensor assets for Bill. John was kind enough to read sn for those sensors mounted on the trailer roof.
  • For the 1pm radiosonde launch, I filmed Laura and John prepping the balloon - Terry wanted additional footage of how we secured the balloon and attached the radiosonde. 

We had our first fire! 

 That was quickly contained. Thankfully. 

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful and I spent it catching up on data QC.