Tech: Ivana

Unable to connect to 2DS during pre-flight. All values for network and probe were re-entered and we still could not connect. After extensive troubleshooting, Josh loaded an older configuration file and we were able to collect ground data after that.

SATCOM intermittently cut out on the ground, likely due to military aircraft activity.

NO2 Ozone instrument computer froze in-flight and had to be shut down. TOGA also inoperable for entire flight, likely due to excessive moisture in lines.

At 0259, Right TEMP-DACQ lost connection (RTH1, RTH2, CAVP_DPL, CAVP_DPR), as well as some associated values for ambient temp, wind, ATX. Reset Nose DSM breaker and restarted Nimbus, which brought back some of the values on Aeros. Right TEMP-DACQ still appears inop and needs to be replaced with spare.

Excessive moisture/condensation formed on inlets during quick descent from 38000ft down to 15000ft towards Jeju Island.

After 0633, after descending to Jeju Island, RTH1, RTH2, CAVP_DPL and CAVP_DPR all reading values - so right TEMP-DACQ seems to be back online. 

Left Hygrometer in re-balance state after last ascent to 16000ft.

Excessive noise in 2DS data when unmasked and going through clear air.

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