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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Sunday, Shane first to arrive at site 8 AM.  Started scanning REAL after a 20-minute laser warm up at 8:24 AM.   Upon arrival skies are completely cloud-free with some haze but not quite as strong as yesterday.  By 9:30 AM a few cumulus clouds appearing over the terrain to the NE.   Flow from most of today out of the WNW.   Swung around to WSE in the later part of the afternoon. 

    Here's the raw data at 8:24 AM:

    East panorama of clear skies at 9:27 AM:

    West panorama of clear skies at 9:27 AM:

    The following example shows a gust structure advecting in the from the WSE.

    The following example shows a gust structure advecting in the from the NW.   Note the white dots in the right panel mark the location of the linear array of sonic anemometers.