Jimmy and Dan serviced ncar2 and ncar4 for krypton cleaning. Dan also checked the bug screens for the 2m TRH inlets at stns 1 & 3
Here is a time line of the station visits
ncar 2
10:05 begin mast take down
10:25 clean sensor
10:40 complete raising the mast
** Jimmy cleaned a few small gnats off of the bug screen for the 2mTRH inlet
**very dry soil along path to north windcube, 1.5" cracks in the soil, 6" deep, several winged grasshoppers along the path to ncar2
(soil not as dry for south wind cube, no grasshoppers sited)
ncar 4
11:10 being lowering mast
11:25 clean sensor
11:40 mast raising is finished
**No bugs on the screen for the 2mTRH
**only a few hoppers along the path to ncar4
ncar 3
12:00-12:10 visited the site and cleaned two moths out from the inside of the screen.
2mTRH fan was still operational, so no repair was needed
Tom confirmed that the temp data was in better agreement after the pre-sunrise hours of Aug. 2
**soil also starting to develop cracks but not as severe as in the pathway to ncar2.
ncar 1
quick check of the inlet screen and no bugs were present on or inside the screen
**very few grasshoppers seen on the path to the site