Oct 14, 2011 9am
ChrisG and SteveS are on site to diagnose the sick licor 7500 at 16m and add the two licors that were at the CWEX11 project.
After a power cycle of the 16m Licor, Chris said the chopper motor was making a squealing sound, so it will be brought back.
Installed SN 1167 at 16 meters, and 0813 at 7 meters.
From Boulder I (Gordon) set the sampling rate to 10 Hz and the baud rate to 9600. The Licors had been configured for 20 Hz, 19200 baud. From minicom, after adn:
adn minicom ttyS7 (or ttyS11) ctrl-a w (enable line wrap) ctrl-a e (enable local echo) ctrl-a f (send BREAK) (Outputs (BW 10) (Delay 0) (RS232 (Freq 10.0) (Baud 9600))) ctrl-a q aup
They also plan to replace the batteries.