Nancy created a Globus endpoint to distribute the very large tarfiles that support the WRF-Chem/DART tutorial.

The files live (permanently?) on the data-access nodes (and casper) under /gpfs/csfs1/cisl/dares/WRF_CHEM_DART_DATA_FILES

After 45 days they get migrated off (i.e. purged) from /glade/p/datashare/nancy/WRF_CHEM_DART_DATA_FILES

The 'Collection' is the "NCAR Data Sharing Service" the 'Endpoint' is "WRF/CHEM test data files"

which is shared as the Globus endpoint mentioned in the WRF-Chem/DART wiki: "WRF Chem Upgrade to Manhattan". There are two directories, each with two files:

0[485] data-access4:/<3>nancy/WRF_CHEM_DART_DATA_FILES $ ls -lRh
total 154G
-rw-r--r-- 1 thoar p86850054 62G May  8  2019 PANDA_REAL_TIME_DATA.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 thoar p86850054 92G May  8  2019 real_PANDA_RETR_VARLOC_RELEASE_TEST.tgz

total 193G
-rw-r----- 1 thoar p86850054  83G Sep 21 17:56 FRAPPE_REAL_TIME_DATA.tar.gz
-rw-r----- 1 thoar p86850054 111G Sep 21 16:32 real_FRAPPE_RETR_RELEASE_TEST_Manhattan.tar.gz

I did not have to do anything on the Globus side of the world. I just logged on to the data-access nodes and used the unix command line to copy the files to the right directory.

This document supercedes the (private) wiki page:

Information about Globus and datasharing:

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