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  1. *These are notes for actions done after TF04

    DSM 305 still not functioning consistently.

    Swapped out AC/DC Power Supply

    Swapped out SCR card

    Swapped out DC/DC card

    Swapped out Ethernet/USB connector

    Powered up DSM in Nose enclosure. First attempt, did not boot. Each subsequent attempt (3x), DSM booted successfully.

    Opened Main Power Distribution Panel to assess situation with Vicor Power Supply. Pulled DSM 304 and found that the VICOR is extremely difficult to access. Cannot even see it without inspection mirror. Turned ON Mission Power and tested Vicor output - good at 28VDC. Turned ON DPL and DPR displays. Powered up just fine.

    Reinstalled Nose DSM and closed up MPDB. Ready for flight on Tuesday.